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PHPLIB and multiple databases

Hits: 425

PostgreSQL and PHP Tutorial

Hits: 192
PHP4 is packed with good
This 6-page article explains
After having worked through
This is a nice tutorial on
features. One of the most
how to create an extension
this tutorial you will be
how to use PostgreSQL and
popular is session
to PHPLIB to work with
able to: * know how the
PHP together. Topics covered
variables. These are
multiple databases. You may
additional phpMyAdmin
include: Installation of
variables that persist
find this article helps you
features using special
PostgreSQL, PHP, and Apache,
throughout a session, as the
extend PHPLIB in other ways.
seperate tables work and how
A Brief Introduction and
user moves from page to
Read this article to the end
to set them up * store
Basic Commands, Different
page. Session variables are
and then think about
pictures inside a MySQL
Types of Data, Retrieving
great holders of state
situations where PHPLIB
table and view them from
Data from a Database,
information and other useful
performs 98% of what you
within phpMyAdmin * put
Inserting Data into a
stuff. PHP4's session
specific transformations on
Database, Updating Data in a
variables are stored in
any of your columns *
Database, Deleting Data from
files by default. However
create your own
a Database, Dealing with
for true scalability, it is
transformations, even with
Errors, and Including Files.
better to store this data in
active PHP-code in it! *
The tutorial is also
a database using a database
create PDF pages of your
available for download.
wrapper library like ADODB.
table layout, with relations
ADODB supports Oracle,
and individually positioned
MySQL, PostgreSQL,
ER-models At the end of
Interbase, MSSQL, VFP,
this tutorial there's also
Access, ADO.
some hints on getting the
most out of your phpMyAdmin
config file, showing you
some configuration
directives which seem to get
less public attention.

Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: Nov, 08 2000

Date: Jul, 27 2003

Date: Jan, 08 2001
After reading this tutorial,
Learn how to print all data
This sample script produces a
All scripts contained within
you should be able to add
in a mySQL table into a neat
result set of random rows
the 'rankin' original
previous and next links to
HTML table to be displayed
from a table. It does so by
project folder are intended
your pages that display data
in your web browser. You do
populating one of the
to offer the PHP/MySQL
from a database.
not even need to know the
columns with a random
'novice' access to a series
individual field names in
number, and then doing a
of scripts which can be used
the mySQL table, just
select statement that uses
as an instructional aid and
provide the mySQL table to
it to sort the results.
a set of templates in order
use and the process is
to get a good head start on
complete. Easy to understand
developing web applications
and can be adapted by you to
that maintain database
suit your needs.
records (list, insert,
modify & delete
records). Developed with
'top-down' methodolgy (not
object oriented) in order to
keep the scripts as easy as
possible to follow the
logic. E-mail
gleonard@ticino.com for a
free zip file of the entire
project and request the
'rankin project'. If you
would like to see a demo
.com/rankin .

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Apr, 17 2005

Date: Oct, 10 2006
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