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Basic mySQL Queries And PHP

Hits: 972

Beginning MySQL Tutorial

Hits: 182
Learn how to issue basic
This article will aid the
PEAR's DB classes are one of
OO approach described in this
mySQL queries using PHP and
reader in learning the basic
the database abstraction
article helps to create data
how to properly validate SQL
operations of the MySQL
layers. This article takes a
layer abstractions which are
queries before issuing them
server, including how to
look at some traditional
easy to port to other
to the database server to
make a proper connection,
database access methods and
databases without altering
prevent possible attacks or
set up the server for
then compare them with the
the application code
unauthorized access
consequential manipulation
method employed by PEAR.
and execute basic commands.
The commands covered within
this article are among the
most important commands
within the language, as they
form the basis for the more
advanced commands.

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Nov, 09 1999

Date: Jan, 18 2001

Date: Apr, 16 2005
In this Part 2 of the article
If you are the root user then
Learn how to connect to a
This article will briefly
"Building Next/Prev
it will display all the
MySql database in PHP.
describe how to compile PHP
Buttons for Query
databases on the server, but
with ORACLE 8i support. The
Results," you will be
if your not the root user
author writes "when i
shown a sample code designed
then it will show all the
try to compile php with
to work in most instances
databases that your user has
oracle support on Solaris
(with minor changes).
permissions for. It's a
2.6 i got lots of problems.
really fun to play around
after tedious search in
with and can be expanded in
internet i have found
a variety of ways. It's
solution. I have following
explained in the comments.
configuration: ORACLE 8.1.6;
PHP 4.0.6; Apache 1.3.19
(Already Installed)."

Date: Dec, 21 2000

Date: Jun, 11 2006

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Nov, 12 2001
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