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Simple Connection to Informix

Hits: 539

Simple Connection to mSQL

Hits: 530
In this tutorial, you'll
This tutorial is an
This tutorial explains how to
This tutorial descripbes how
learn how to install and
introductory guide to get
make a simple connection to
to make a simple connection
configure PHP for use with
you started in the world of
Informix and select some
to mSQL using a few PHP
the Apache Web server on
server-side-scripting and
data using PHP.
UNIX or the Microsoft
web databases. It covers
Internet Information Server
installation and
on Windows NT. Then you'll
configuration of MySQL,
see by example how to use
Apache, and PHP. An example
PHP to route HTML
script is also included as a
conditionally, to develop a
guide for making your own
simple database-driven Web
server-side-scripts. You
application, and to track
will have accomplished after
user sessions with cookies.
successfully completing this
guide: setup the MySQL
database server, setup the
Apache web server, setup the
PHP 3.0 Hypertext
Preprocessor for
server-side-scripting, and
create a simple web enabled

Date: Dec, 10 1999

Date: Nov, 09 1999

Date: Jun, 29 2000

Date: Jun, 29 2000
The MySQL database is one of
Like MySQL, the PostgreSQL
This tutorial explains how to
PHP includes functions for
the most popular among PHP
database is quite popular
make a simple connection to
Open Database Connectivity
developers, and there are
among PHP developers.
Sybase using a few PHP
(ODBC), which is useful if,
numerous well-documented PHP
Understandably, there are
for example, you want to
functions you can use in
numerous well-documented PHP
connect to a Microsoft
conjunction with your MySQL
functions you can use in
Access data source on
databases. In this tutorial,
conjunction with PostgreSQL.
Windows NT. An increasing
you will learn how to make a
Here you will find how to
number of PHP developers are
simple connection to MySQL
make a simple connection and
using the ODBC functions to
using just a few of these
select some data using just
connect to databases; to
a few of these functions.
that end, the ODBC functions
are numerous and
well-documented in the PHP
Manual. This tutorial
presents how to make simple
ODBC connections using just
a few of these functions.

Date: Jun, 29 2000

Date: Jun, 29 2000

Date: Jun, 29 2000

Date: Jun, 29 2000
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