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PHPLIB and multiple databases

Hits: 425
This tutorial explains how to
This 6-page article explains
Many devs using MySQL have
This article is aimed at
program Next / Previous
how to create an extension
fallen in love with PHP.
answering one of the most
buttons with a dynamic,
to PHPLIB to work with
Jason Gilmore explains why
asked questions on the PHP
reusable class using PHP and
multiple databases. You may
they're the perfect couple.
mailing list and discussion
MySQL or PostGreSQL.
find this article helps you
This is ore of an
forums alike: How to store
extend PHPLIB in other ways.
introductory article on PHP
binary files in a MySQL
Read this article to the end
and MySQL covering such
database. This article is
and then think about
topics as features of PHP
split into three pages:
situations where PHPLIB
and MySQL, and how to use
Setting up the database,
performs 98% of what you
PHP to interact with MySQL.
Creating the 'upload'
scripts, and Creating the
'download' script. Includes
the complete source code for
all the scripts involved.

Date: Nov, 29 2000

Date: Nov, 08 2000

Date: Oct, 17 2000

Date: Oct, 17 2000
This article describes how to
This is the second part of
This tutorial explains how to
When interacting with a
connect and query an MS SQL
creating Web-based admin
use several basic MySQL
database, functions are
server (running under a
user interface. This
database functions in PHP.
called that are common to
Windows operating system)
tutorial covers adding and
Main topics include:
every transaction; functions
from php installed on a unix
deleting users via Web form
Connecting to a mySQL
to establish a connection,
using a MySQL database.
database using PHP, SHOW
execute the query and then
available tables, Using
close the connection. This
telnet to CREATE tables, How
article shows how to create
functions that will
and DELETE rows in a table,
eliminate this redundancy.
How to ALTER a table,
The tutorial uses MySQL as
Commenting Your mySQL
the database, but the
Tables, and Creating mySQL
database layer is
irrelevant. These functions
can be adapted to use other

Date: Oct, 01 2000

Date: Jul, 29 2000

Date: Jul, 29 2000

Date: Jul, 17 2000
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