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Basic mySQL Queries And PHP

Hits: 972
A collection of 18 tips on
This example use MySQL
Learn how to issue basic
Learn how to connect to a
managing tables and data
functions from PHP to
mySQL queries using PHP and
MySql database in PHP.
rows with PHP scripts. Clear
display full MySQL
how to properly validate SQL
explanations and tutorial
table(every column and every
queries before issuing them
exercises are provided on
row) as HTML.
to the database server to
creating and dropping
prevent possible attacks or
tables; inserting, updating,
unauthorized access
and deleting rows, selecting
and looping through data
rows by pages; setting
auto-increment IDs.

Date: Sep, 25 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Jul, 30 2005
The use of abstraction layers
This is the Full chapter 6
A collection of 21 tips on
The purpose of these examples
is a controversial topic
from the recently published
working with MySQL database.
are to show you various ways
among PHP users. There are
book 'Mastering phpMyAdmin
Clear explanations and
to use PHP and MySQL. The
reasons why people use them,
for Effective MySQL
tutorial exercises are
examples include displaying
and likewise why they don’t.
Management'. The Chapter
provided on connecting and
all fields in the database,
In this article I will be
'Changing Table Structure'
selecting MySQL database,
random fields, sorting
going through the advantages
give a great step by step
creating and dropping
alphabetically and limiting
and disadvantages of using
guide with diagrams.
tables, inserting, updating,
the results returned.
the ADODB database
Publshed in HTML for your
and deleting rows, selecting
abstraction layer.
and looping through data
rows, searching by key
words, setting
auto-increment IDs.

Date: Dec, 19 2006

Date: Sep, 06 2005

Date: Jun, 12 2006

Date: Apr, 18 2005
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