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Database Abstraction with ADODB

Hits: 878

MySQL Table Fields Data Typs

Hits: 516
The use of abstraction layers
Learn the three main basic
This tutorial teaches you how
This example use MySQL
is a controversial topic
data types used in MySQL and
to number rows and give them
functions from PHP to
among PHP users. There are
how to utilize them to build
alternate colours!
display full MySQL
reasons why people use them,
a more effective dynamic web
table(every column and every
and likewise why they don’t.
site. Lots of web developers
row) as HTML.
In this article I will be
use MySQL but not all of
going through the advantages
them harness the power of
and disadvantages of using
these features.
the ADODB database
abstraction layer.

Date: Dec, 19 2006

Date: Dec, 03 2006

Date: Nov, 05 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006
This DB connectivity class
All scripts contained within
This tutorial might seem
A collection of 18 tips on
makes it even easier to work
the 'rankin' original
pretty simple and obvious
managing tables and data
with data from MySQL
project folder are intended
for many advanced
rows with PHP scripts. Clear
databases. It handles
to offer the PHP/MySQL
webmasters, but some
explanations and tutorial
errors, features a better
'novice' access to a series
beginners might have some
exercises are provided on
result object, and allows
of scripts which can be used
problems. And since I
creating and dropping
you to iterate through the
as an instructional aid and
remember I was a bit stuck
tables; inserting, updating,
rows returned by a SELECT
a set of templates in order
on this years ago too, why
and deleting rows, selecting
to get a good head start on
not make things clear for
and looping through data
developing web applications
anyone? When do we need
rows by pages; setting
that maintain database
to do this? Everytime we
auto-increment IDs.
records (list, insert,
install a forum or a CMS
modify & delete
that requires an empty
records). Developed with
database being already
'top-down' methodolgy (not
created for the install
object oriented) in order to
keep the scripts as easy as
possible to follow the
logic. E-mail
gleonard@ticino.com for a
free zip file of the entire
project and request the
'rankin project'. If you
would like to see a demo
.com/rankin .

Date: Oct, 17 2006

Date: Oct, 10 2006

Date: Oct, 03 2006

Date: Sep, 25 2006
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