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Add N number of records to a dB

Hits: 692

Custom Paging in ASP

Hits: 1830

Paging Records With GetRows

Hits: 620
We can count records in a
This article shows how to
This source code displays
You all must have seen and
table with these a few lines
insert records to a
results dividing to pages.
done stuff with the
of codes. First we must send
database, when the number of
Code provides Next Previous
RecordSet object, infact
an SQL statement to database
records that need to be
page links with numeric page
everything is done with the
engine. Count of records
inserted is unknown. A must
numbers. You may modify
RecordSet object. Now, this
will be first value of
read for ASP/ADO programmers.
source code to use with MS
acticle explains how to use
SQL or MS Access database.
GetRows to page through the
For this example, we have
records that you recieve
used MS SQL Server using
from the SELECT. It's much
sample database Northwind.
faster than MoveNext,
because it closes the
database connection
immediately whereas MoveNext
loops through the records
with the overhead of the
database connection. Plus
GetRows let's you count the
records correctly!

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Dec, 04 2003

Date: Nov, 12 2003

Date: Oct, 04 2003
Sometimes, we would have
It is an often problem with
This page demonstrates the
When faced with learning a
chance to convert our
database intergration when
capabilities how to write an
new technology, it's common
existing database or create
you use a reserved word.
ASCII comma-delimited file
to try and reproduce the
a new database. Some
Often asked why a script
from a SQL statement using
basic functionality you're
decisions IT professionals
does not work and it quite
used to in the old one. In
need to make are scary, and
often comes down the the
doing that with ADO.NET and
choosing database software
author setting a field name
trying to reproduce the
is one of them. This
as a reserved word,
basics or the recordset
overview aims to describe
confusing SQL and making
object, this article
how to set database
debugging hard. To solve
discusses the new and many
connections with some common
this problem here is a quick
uses of ADO.NET's DataView
database software (Oracle,
list of the SQL Reserved

Date: Sep, 01 2003

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003
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