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/** Search */



Search Database

Hits: 933

ASP Access Database Tutorials

Hits: 893

Search db by Field

Hits: 893
This example / tutorial
Step-by-step tutorial on how
This is a group of 3
Providing search capabilities
explains how to use the LIKE
to upload files (images,
tutorials that guide you
to a db enables users to
operator to perform a
text, other documents, etc)
through the process of using
query on whichever element
partial match on an Access
using plain ASP pages to the
an MS Access Database in
you target them to. However
database. Every step has
ASP. The tutorials teach you
allowing users to target
been explained in detail.
how to connect to a
which portion of the db they
Downloadable source code
database, add data to the
would like to query gives
database, update the
extra value. In this
database, and delete from
example, utilizing our db of
the database. The 3
US States (state, statename,
tutorials togather allow you
and capital) the user can
to build a simple Guestbook
search in any of three
for your web site.
fields (by dropdown menu
input) rather than the
application targeting one
specific table element.
Note: The db only has 50
observations in it, so it is
better to search on single
or double letter

Date: Dec, 08 2000

Date: Jun, 17 2002

Date: Sep, 03 2001

Date: Jun, 26 2000
Filter method is very useful
There are a few different
This is an article on
Learn how to get a stored
working with large datasets.
ways to connect to an Access
executing all or none
image from a database and
You might need to put only
database using a DSN-LESS
database queries using
display it on a page.
some records from your
connection. You can use the
ASP-Database transactions.
database but you should
Access driver, an OLEDB
Must read for ASP-Database
select all data from
provider connection, a
developers. Sample Database
database. Fileter method is
physical path or a virtual
and Code available for
advantage working on
path. Here is an example of
recordsets after querying on
each as well as a DSN-LESS
SQL command.
SQL Server connection.

Date: Aug, 09 2006

Date: Aug, 05 2002

Date: Aug, 28 2000

Date: Jan, 03 2006
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