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Two Table Join

Hits: 484

Using Multiple Recordsets

Hits: 452
This is a step by step
Outputting data from two
This article explains a
This is a tutrial about
tutorial on uploading and
tables is almost as easy as
solution on how to increase
connecting an Access
inserting binary data
displaying from one. This
the performance of your ASP
database with ASP pages. It
(images, files, etc.) into
example utilizes two tables
pages that rely on gathering
focuses on connecting Access
Access Database. Online
with state information on
data through several
with PWS 4.0 on a Win95
demo, and sample code
them. The first table
different Recordsets.
machine. You can use the
available for download.
(state_order) contains state
Specially, using a nifty
same procedure on Win98. It
abbreviations (state), state
feature of the ADO Recordset
also shows you how to create
names (statename) the year
object, Multiple Recordsets,
a database table in Access
each state was admitted into
you can store multiple SQL
and how to retrieve it's
the union (year) and the
query results in one
content and display it
numeric order they entered
Recordset object, requiring
through ASP.
in (entered). The second
fewer communications with
table (state_capitals)
the database.
contains state abbreviations
(state), state names (state)
and state capitals
(capital). The where
statement looks to make a
match on the field that each
table has in common to
ouput the correct capital
with all the info from the
state_order table.

Date: Apr, 01 2001

Date: Jun, 26 2000

Date: Sep, 05 2001

Date: Feb, 25 2000
Insert a table into a
This article covers rarely
The part one of this two-part
This database class handles
database dynamically. You
discussed feature of ADO
article shows how to create
Select, Insert, Update, and
don't even have to open MS
Recordsets, disconnected
an ASP class that allows us
Delete. It also takes steps
Access. One simple asp does
Recordsets. It examines what
to work with our databases
to ensure your SQL syntax is
the trick. Using ADOX you
disconnected Recordsets are,
through a web browser. It
valid, and that memory leaks
can add and manipulate
how to use them, and what
will allow us to update and
/ errors are prevented.
tables easily once you know
advantages they offer over
delete records dynamically
Tutorial comes with demo,
connected Recordsets. Also
using JavaScript and
downloadable code, and an in
examines how to create
XMLHTTP, without ever having
depth explanation.
custom, disconnected
to refresh the page.

Date: Apr, 15 2002

Date: Aug, 02 2001

Date: Feb, 06 2002

Date: Jun, 10 2005
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