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/** Search */



Named Recordsets

Hits: 640

Nesting repeaters in .NET

Hits: 1049
Allowing multiple choices of
This is an example code
This article by James Shaw
Data repeaters in .NET are
data observations enables
showing how to conduct
demonstrates how to
very useful to display
people to customize views of
searches on a database to
dynamically add properties
database records onto
your data and adds value to
display hyperlinked
to an object (expando
screen. This tutorial shows
your applications. This
summaries that can be
properties) - by
you how easy nesting
example utilizes our db on
clicked on to display detail
implementing a function to
repeaters to save time.
the career statistics of
create named recordsets.
Features example code and
Hammerin’ Hank Greenberg.
full explaination.
The years he played are
available to select from in
a dropdown menu. When
multiple years are selected
they are passed comma
delimited. Utilizing the
where in statement in our
sql the comma delimited
selections are appended to
our sql statement to display
only those years selected.

Date: Oct, 04 2000

Date: May, 21 2001

Date: Dec, 16 2000

Date: Feb, 03 2006
A discussion of how to use
You all must have seen and
Paging is basically querying
Dropdowns or combo boxes are
null values effectively in
done stuff with the
a database and presenting a
an excellent way to get
your database tables.
RecordSet object, infact
page full of the query's
input from a user. One of
Includes a discussion of the
everything is done with the
results. In ASP and SQL
the biggest problems with
logic behind nulls and some
RecordSet object. Now, this
Server programming, there
user input is spelling and
practical programming
acticle explains how to use
are three approaches to
formatting. Here is how to
GetRows to page through the
paging. This article
use and populate dropdowns
records that you recieve
compares the approaches and
from a database.
from the SELECT. It's much
explains which one is the
faster than MoveNext,
most efficient when dealing
because it closes the
with very large sets of data.
database connection
immediately whereas MoveNext
loops through the records
with the overhead of the
database connection. Plus
GetRows let's you count the
records correctly!

Date: May, 01 2001

Date: Oct, 04 2003

Date: Mar, 08 2001

Date: Aug, 05 2002
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