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/** Search */



Search a Database

Hits: 1137

Search Database

Hits: 933
This writing will discuss
Explains everything in detail
Learn how to search a
This example / tutorial
several things to do to
you'll ever need to know
database with keywords.
explains how to use the LIKE
ensure the application
about creating Stored
operator to perform a
migration carried on in a
Procedures in Access
partial match on an Access
good way, particularly for
Database and then calling
ASP Database applications
from within ASP. Select,
and to overcome possible
Update, Insert and Delete
problems might occurred.
Stored Procedures are
Basically, migrating ASP to
described. Sample code and
Linux means you have to
database available for
convert to database
supported by Linux
platforms. Currently,
Chili!Soft ASP is already
supporting MS Access but not
all web hosting companies
install this feature. They
prefer to use more common
database in Linux such as
MySQL and PostgreSQL. Pay
attention to some Chili!Soft
specific ADO methods and
properties, since there are
slight differences with IIS
ASP. You might need to
convert some codes in your
applications to make it run
in Chili!Soft ASP.

Date: Feb, 01 2006

Date: Jan, 07 2001

Date: Apr, 20 2005

Date: Dec, 08 2000
Providing search capabilities
Want to add value to your
This database class handles
Displaying specific subsets
to a db enables users to
current search? Allow your
Select, Insert, Update, and
of data from a database is
query on whichever element
users to search from within
Delete. It also takes steps
easy to accomplish in .asp.
you target them to. However
search results. As databases
to ensure your SQL syntax is
The following example
allowing users to target
grow the necessity for the
valid, and that memory leaks
utilizes an Access database
which portion of the db they
user to continually narrow a
/ errors are prevented.
of Mark "The Bird"
would like to query gives
search to the item that they
Tutorial comes with demo,
Fidrych and displays all of
extra value. In this
truly want will grow also.
downloadable code, and an in
his season statistics for
example, utilizing our db of
The following example
depth explanation.
1976 contained in the
US States (state, statename,
utilizes a db on U.S. State
database rather than
and capital) the user can
capitals. Upon the first
displaying the entire db.
search in any of three
search two radio buttons
fields (by dropdown menu
will appear indicating a
input) rather than the
search (default) or a search
application targeting one
within the current results.
specific table element.
Searching within the current
Note: The db only has 50
results will take the first
observations in it, so it is
search and add it to the new
better to search on single
search and so on.
or double letter

Date: Jun, 26 2000

Date: Aug, 12 2000

Date: Jun, 10 2005

Date: Jan, 20 2000
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