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DSN-less MS Access connection

Hits: 769
This is an article about
In order to connect to an
Basically, I had the problem
How to build a dynamic
displaying binary data
Acees database with ASP
of needing a marquee to
dropdown list with ASP and
(images) from an Access
through ODBC using a DSN
scroll important updates but
database data. Then, how to
database. Online demo and
file, you'll need to have
everyone who needed to
use ADO and recordset
sample code available for
full access to the server to
update it was not HTML
filtering to produce a
create the DSN file,
savvy. So I made it form
structured list.
something that can be
based. And the coolest part
difficult if your site is
about it is, you can control
hosted somewhere. This
the background color, and
lesson will teach you an
the text color. That is good
alternative connecton
when you want different
method, a DSN-less
color combinations to have
connection. As tests has
communicate different
shown, an DSN-less
things. Like, black
connection to Access gives
background and red text
you better performance. You
could mean urgent and blue
can have up to 20-30
background* and yellow text
simultaneous users on the db
could be Happy Birthday!
without problems.

Date: Apr, 03 2001

Date: Mar, 12 2000

Date: Jan, 06 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003
Learn how to create
This article discusses two
Adding a record from a
Learn how to edit records
dynamically dependent
different ways to
database table is a simple
with an SQL statement
dropdown lists with. There's
dynamically generate
task. Fill out the form
instead of a Recordset. Here
an online demo and source
data-entry forms: Use the
below and click submit. The
are two examples. One will
code provided.
ADO OpenSchema Method, and
sql statement will be
use a query string and the
Query Your SQL Server System
generated for you.
other gets the info from a
Tables. Describes advantages
form. Both examples include
and disadvantages of each
an example of a DSN-LESS

Date: Jul, 21 2006

Date: Dec, 18 2000

Date: Apr, 15 2002

Date: Aug, 05 2002
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