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An Easy Way Delete A Record

Hits: 364

Easy way to add a record

Hits: 758

Access Connection DSN-Less Code

Hits: 948

Counting Records Wizard

Hits: 702
Delete a record from your
Adding a record from a
So you need a DSN-Less
This little wizard will help
database quickly and easily
database table is a simple
connection but your not
you count records and
without having to use a
task. Fill out the form
quite sure what to do. Well
display the total. Simply
recordset. Deleting a record
below and click submit. The
we can do this for you. A
fill in the form, and it
from a database table is a
sql statement will be
quick and easy way to make a
will generate the code for
simple task. Answer four
generated for you.
connection without a DSN.
questions below and click
This will work for your MS
submit. The sql statement
Access database only. Now
will be generated for you.
includes SQL Server.

Date: Apr, 15 2002

Date: Apr, 15 2002

Date: Apr, 15 2002

Date: Apr, 15 2002
Insert a table into a
You fill in the blanks, and
Article describes what is
If you have an SQL database
database dynamically. You
you are given the source
SQL? what it is used for?
set up with your web host, a
don't even have to open MS
code for the form, and a
useful tip to know is how to
Access. One simple asp does
page to display the
UPDATE and DELETE records
connect to your SQL database
the trick. Using ADOX you
information in the database.
from the database? and more.
via Enterprise Manager. The
can add and manipulate
Also the database is ready
advantage of knowing how to
tables easily once you know
to download with all fields
do this is that you will be
in your form.
able to manage your SQL
Server database via
Enterprise Manager over
TCP/IP, yourself.

Date: Apr, 15 2002

Date: Apr, 15 2002

Date: Mar, 13 2002

Date: Mar, 08 2002
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