
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Dynamically Dependent Dropdown

Hits: 1360

Filling Data into Select List

Hits: 2777

Suggestion Box

Hits: 657
Filter method is very useful
Learn how to create
In this short ASP source
Sample implementation (source
working with large datasets.
dynamically dependent
code, we will pull some data
code)illustrating how to
You might need to put only
dropdown lists with. There's
from a database and fill it
implement a "Suggestion
some records from your
an online demo and source
into a select list. We will
Box" style form using
database but you should
code provided.
create a custom and dynamic
ASP and MS Access. Easily
select all data from
installed, and customized.
database. Fileter method is
advantage working on
recordsets after querying on
SQL command.

Date: Aug, 09 2006

Date: Jul, 21 2006

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Mar, 20 2006
Data repeaters in .NET are
This writing will discuss
Learn how to get a stored
This database class handles
very useful to display
several things to do to
image from a database and
Select, Insert, Update, and
database records onto
ensure the application
display it on a page.
Delete. It also takes steps
screen. This tutorial shows
migration carried on in a
to ensure your SQL syntax is
you how easy nesting
good way, particularly for
valid, and that memory leaks
repeaters to save time.
ASP Database applications
/ errors are prevented.
Features example code and
and to overcome possible
Tutorial comes with demo,
full explaination.
problems might occurred.
downloadable code, and an in
Basically, migrating ASP to
depth explanation.
Linux means you have to
convert to database
supported by Linux
platforms. Currently,
Chili!Soft ASP is already
supporting MS Access but not
all web hosting companies
install this feature. They
prefer to use more common
database in Linux such as
MySQL and PostgreSQL. Pay
attention to some Chili!Soft
specific ADO methods and
properties, since there are
slight differences with IIS
ASP. You might need to
convert some codes in your
applications to make it run
in Chili!Soft ASP.

Date: Feb, 03 2006

Date: Feb, 01 2006

Date: Jan, 03 2006

Date: Jun, 10 2005
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