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/** Search */



Database Paged Search

Hits: 765

Access Reports on the Web

Hits: 252
This is a sample code that
This article provides sample
This example shows how to
This article shows how to
combines a Database Paging
source code for a user query
perform a variety of
publish and distribute
and a Database Search script
parser which allows users to
statistics on your data
Microsoft Access reports on
into one. It shows you how
submit full-text search
using simple SQL such as
the web using ASP.
to perform a wilcard search
queries from ASP to SQL
Sum, Average, Max, Min, and
on a database table and then
Server 2000. Full source
Count. It uses stock trading
page through the results.
code available for download.
performance of EPOS as an

Date: Apr, 25 2001

Date: Apr, 24 2001

Date: Apr, 20 2001

Date: Apr, 10 2001
This is an article about
This is a step by step
This is an overview of SYSTEM
Paging is basically querying
displaying binary data
tutorial on uploading and
DSN's, DSN-LESS Connections,
a database and presenting a
(images) from an Access
inserting binary data
and any database permissions
page full of the query's
database. Online demo and
(images, files, etc.) into
that may need to be set on
results. In ASP and SQL
sample code available for
Access Database. Online
the server. Helpful for
Server programming, there
demo, and sample code
people just learning ASP as
are three approaches to
available for download.
well as people with some
paging. This article
compares the approaches and
explains which one is the
most efficient when dealing
with very large sets of data.

Date: Apr, 03 2001

Date: Apr, 01 2001

Date: Mar, 22 2001

Date: Mar, 08 2001
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