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Adding Records to the Database

Hits: 779
Now everybody can connect to
This is an introductory
Complete tutorial on editing
This is a complete tutorial
a database. Simple database
tutorial on ASP data access.
and updating records in the
on adding records to the
access is a huge feature of
It covers Connection Object,
database. Each and every
database via ASP for
ASP and one of the most
Command Object, and
step explained in detail for
beginners. Both Connection
widely used by developers
Recordset Object.
ASP beginners. Both
and Recordset Objects
but when you are first
Connection and Recordset
discussed. Also get an
learning, it‘s hard to
Objects discussed.
insight on 'insert' SQL
separate the database stuff
from the rest of the code so
I made this example. I even
removed the includes and

Date: May, 22 2000

Date: May, 18 2000

Date: Mar, 27 2000

Date: Mar, 25 2000
Connections, Commands and
This tutorial shows you
In order to connect to an
This is a nice simple
Procedures is a sample
step-by-step how to
Acees database with ASP
tutorial on how to
chapter from Professional
incorporate MS Access
through ODBC using a DSN
manipluate a MS Access
Active Server Pages which
databases into your web site
file, you'll need to have
database using ASP. It will
discuss in depth all the
using ASP.
full access to the server to
teach you how to add, remove
issues related with
create the DSN file,
and modify data from an
establishing connection to a
something that can be
Access database as well as
database to the carrying out
difficult if your site is
connecting and disconnecting
of commands and procedures.
hosted somewhere. This
to the database in ASP.
lesson will teach you an
alternative connecton
method, a DSN-less
connection. As tests has
shown, an DSN-less
connection to Access gives
you better performance. You
can have up to 20-30
simultaneous users on the db
without problems.

Date: Mar, 20 2000

Date: Mar, 15 2000

Date: Mar, 12 2000

Date: Mar, 12 2000
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