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/** Search */



Search Database

Hits: 933

Database Tutorial

Hits: 259

ASP Data Access for Beginners

Hits: 272
This example / tutorial
An article on connecting to
This 4-page tutorial shows
The driving force behind
explains how to use the LIKE
database via ASP using both
all the basics of using
Active Server technologies
operator to perform a
DSN and DSN less
Active Server Pages and
is data access. In order to
partial match on an Access
connections. Explains uses
VBScript to work with
develop a truly dynamic web
of each. Learn using
databases. It covers
site developers need to
connection strings.
Connecting to the Database,
allow users to access data
Working With Recordsets, and
on demand. Luckily, with
Microsoft's Active Server
Pages, this is exceedingly
easy to do. This article for
ASP beginners details how to
connect to a SQL Server 7.0
database using ActiveX Data
Object (ADO) and Open
Database Connectivity (ODBC).

Date: Dec, 08 2000

Date: Dec, 03 2000

Date: Nov, 30 2000

Date: Oct, 30 2000
This short tutorial
Allowing multiple choices of
This page demonstrates the
Have this short program
demonstrates how to insert
data observations enables
capabilities how to display
around so that you can
data into a SQL database
people to customize views of
a table from a SQL
quickly see what columns and
using SQL statements.
your data and adds value to
statement. It illustrates
what data are in your
your applications. This
not only how to display the
database. Here you will see
example utilizes our db on
table, but also how to
some of the common methods
the career statistics of
detect that no records were
and properties used to limit
Hammerin’ Hank Greenberg.
returned from a query, and
the results from your SQL
The years he played are
how to detect null and blank
query. Using a simple form
available to select from in
values in the data.
that takes a table name and
a dropdown menu. When
a submit button, and you can
multiple years are selected
easily display increments of
they are passed comma
the table data. Full source
delimited. Utilizing the
code available.
where in statement in our
sql the comma delimited
selections are appended to
our sql statement to display
only those years selected.

Date: Oct, 13 2000

Date: Oct, 04 2000

Date: Oct, 02 2000

Date: Sep, 11 2000
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