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Database Editing Sample

Hits: 592
This is a quick sample code
This article covers two
This article shows you how to
The author writes
which combines a number of
advanced ADO topics:
use SQL-DMO to create an
database functions into one
creating hierarchical
Active Server Pages
original database
script. Includes functions
Recordsets (via data
application to backup and
administration tool didn't
to add, delete, and edit
shaping) and creating custom
verify a SQL Server
look for foreign keys, and
records in a database table.
Recordsets. Specifically,
database. The SQL
just displayed a confusing
It illustrates a number of
this article looks at how to
Distributed Management
list of primary key values.
useful techniques for
create custom hierarchical
Objects (SQL-DMO) extend the
Now, it's been improved with
database manipulation.
Recordsets. The reader is
functionality of SQL Server
automatically generated list
required to have a fluid
by providing developers a
boxes." This tutorial
understanding of both data
way to execute common tasks.
explains how to turn those
shaping and custom
foreign keys into list boxes

Date: Jun, 12 2001

Date: Jun, 05 2001

Date: May, 29 2001

Date: May, 23 2001
This is a Web-based script
This is an example code
This article presents three
A discussion of how to use
writer that generates an ASP
showing how to conduct
modular routines to access
null values effectively in
code for displaying an
searches on a database to
and fetch data easier with
your database tables.
Access or SQL Server
display hyperlinked
ASP. Topics include:
Includes a discussion of the
database using
summaries that can be
Fetching a Recordset, An
logic behind nulls and some
user-submitted variable
clicked on to display detail
alternative to the
practical programming
names and the name of the
table. Copy the output code
function that opens a
into an asp document on your
connection, fetches a
web server and your db is
recordset, and immediately
ready to be displayed on the
closes the connection, and
web. The DSN connection
Utilities for Creating Valid
requires that you register
SQL Statements.
the DSN for the db prior to
executing the code.

Date: May, 21 2001

Date: May, 21 2001

Date: May, 16 2001

Date: May, 01 2001
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