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/** Search */



Search a Database

Hits: 1137
Learn how to search a
This sample ASP Web database
Following example, extracts
Sum function can be used for
database with keywords.
can give you ideas about
all of the records in a
to get the sum of a numeric
tying everything together
database table and stores
expression evaluated over a
and can even be used as a
into a 2-dimensional array.
set. This function must be
starting point for a Web
This gives you an advantages
placed in an SQL statement.
to modify and work on data.
Following example will
return the sum of ratings in

Date: Apr, 20 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 10 2004

Date: Apr, 01 2004
This source code can compact
In this example, we will add
In this example, we will edit
In this example, we will
and repair your MS-Access
some records to a database.
some records from a
delete some records from a
database files. If you
This source code helps us to
database. This source code
database. This source code
compact your access files
adding records to database
helps us to edit records to
helps us to deleting records
regularly, it will work more
without slowing down
database without slowing
to database without slowing
faster and secure. Also you
down database
down database.
will save some hard disk

Date: Jan, 25 2004

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Dec, 18 2003
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