The author writes
Outputting data from two
This article will show you
Step-by-step tutorial on how
tables is almost as easy as
two different methods that
to upload files (images,
original database
displaying from one. This
you can use to connect to a
text, other documents, etc)
administration tool didn't
example utilizes two
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
using plain ASP pages to the
look for foreign keys, and
with state information on
database: System DSN's and
database. Every step has
just displayed a confusing
them. The first table
the OLEDB connection string.
been explained in detail.
list of primary key values.
(state_order) contains state
It will also explain the
Downloadable source code
Now, it's been improved with
abbreviations (state), state
positives and negatives of
automatically generated list
names (statename) the year
each method, along with some
boxes." This tutorial
each state was admitted into
examples to get you started.
explains how to turn those
the union (year) and the
foreign keys into list boxes
numeric order they entered
in (entered). The second
table (state_capitals)
contains state abbreviations
(state), state names (state)
and state capitals
(capital). The where
statement looks to make a
match on the field that each
table has in common to
ouput the correct capital
with all the info from the
state_order table.
Date: May, 23 2001 Date: Jun, 26 2000 Date: Jan, 16 2002 Date: Jun, 17 2002 |
This is a step by step
In depth article on showing
This is a set of ASP
This article covers rarely
tutorial on uploading and
records in a page by page
examples/tutorials that
discussed feature of ADO
inserting binary data
fashion with 'first
demonstrate exactly how to
Recordsets, disconnected
(images, files, etc.) into
page','next','back' and
use ASP with a database.
Recordsets. It examines what
Access Database. Online
'last page' links at the
Topics include: Using ADO To
disconnected Recordsets are,
demo, and sample code
bottom to navigate through
Add A New Record, Using ADO
how to use them, and what
available for download.
the records. Sample code and
To Update An Existing
advantages they offer over
database available for
Record, Using An Update
connected Recordsets. Also
download. Online demo also
Query To Modify An Existing
examines how to create
Record, Using Delete
custom, disconnected
Statement to Delete Records,
Using A Select Statement
(With A Loop), and ACCESS
Date: Apr, 01 2001 Date: Jul, 10 2000 Date: Feb, 14 2000 Date: Aug, 02 2001 |