
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */


Compact and repair your
This source code can compact
Now everybody can connect to
This is a tutrial about
access database online from
and repair your MS-Access
a database. Simple database
connecting an Access
ASP code. This is example
database files. If you
access is a huge feature of
database with ASP pages. It
code of how this can be done.
compact your access files
ASP and one of the most
focuses on connecting Access
regularly, it will work more
widely used by developers
with PWS 4.0 on a Win95
faster and secure. Also you
but when you are first
machine. You can use the
will save some hard disk
learning, it‘s hard to
same procedure on Win98. It
separate the database stuff
also shows you how to create
from the rest of the code so
a database table in Access
I made this example. I even
and how to retrieve it's
removed the includes and
content and display it
through ASP.

Date: Jan, 23 2002

Date: Jan, 25 2004

Date: May, 22 2000

Date: Feb, 25 2000
An article on connecting to
If you have an SQL database
This is an overview of SYSTEM
Connections, Commands and
database via ASP using both
set up with your web host, a
DSN's, DSN-LESS Connections,
Procedures is a sample
DSN and DSN less
useful tip to know is how to
and any database permissions
chapter from Professional
connections. Explains uses
connect to your SQL database
that may need to be set on
Active Server Pages which
of each. Learn using
via Enterprise Manager. The
the server. Helpful for
discuss in depth all the
connection strings.
advantage of knowing how to
people just learning ASP as
issues related with
do this is that you will be
well as people with some
establishing connection to a
able to manage your SQL
database to the carrying out
Server database via
of commands and procedures.
Enterprise Manager over
TCP/IP, yourself.

Date: Dec, 03 2000

Date: Mar, 08 2002

Date: Mar, 22 2001

Date: Mar, 20 2000
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