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Learn how to delete records
Learn how to edit records
This is an introductory
Active Server Pages allow us
with an SQL instead of a
with an SQL statement
tutorial on ASP data access.
an easy means of querying
Recordset. Here are two
instead of a Recordset. Here
It covers Connection Object,
and updating a database from
examples. One will use a
are two examples. One will
Command Object, and
a webpage. This article
query string and the other
use a query string and the
Recordset Object.
describes the basics of
gets the info from a form.
other gets the info from a
using this technique in a
Both examples include an
form. Both examples include
nutshell. The examples given
example of a DSN-LESS
an example of a DSN-LESS
here utilize a Microsoft
Access database, but the
principles elucidated apply
equally well to ASP
integration with other

Date: Aug, 05 2002

Date: Aug, 05 2002

Date: May, 18 2000

Date: Jan, 25 2000
This short tutorial
This article describes how to
The ASP data access component
A discussion of how to use
demonstrates how to insert
use the refresh method of
is one of the most powerful
null values effectively in
data into a SQL database
the ADO Parameters
features of ASP. With this
your database tables.
using SQL statements.
collection to interrogate a
component you are able to
Includes a discussion of the
stored procedure. It shows
interface your database(s)
logic behind nulls and some
how to create the code in an
directly with your
practical programming
automated fashion for use in
webserver. Database access
VBScript connecting to MS
in ASP is, or can be, very
SQL Server 7.
complex. This online
tutorial focuses on just a
few objects to help you get
started with the basics and
you can then move forward
from there.

Date: Oct, 13 2000

Date: Jul, 19 2001

Date: Dec, 11 1999

Date: May, 01 2001
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