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Server Management


Kuadra Enterprise Server

Hits: 1080

Plesk Reloaded for Unix/Windows

Hits: 910

SOS Crash Recovery

Hits: 284

AUTD Binding Cleanup

Hits: 1600
This is a powerful and
Developed for the
SOS Data Protection and
This tool enables an Exchange
dynamic, all-in-one,
Professional Hosting Service
Recovery Software is your
Server administrator to view
productivity software
Provider (HSP) and Corporate
cost effective solution to
and remove existing AUTD
solution for small to medium
IT professionals, Plesk 7.5
Disaster Recovery and file
event registration items
size businesses. The Kuadra
Reloaded provides the most
protection. On April 12th
(bindings). This can be done
ES is designed to improve
complete and stable set of
2005 Microsoft will force
on an individual and on a
business communications,
features in the industry.
the download of XP SP2 to
bulk level.
enhance productivity and
Designed to empower growth
all computer systems. It has
reduce cost. The Kuadra ES
and allow Sys-Admins to
been proven this upgrade to
provides an stable Web
manage thousands of virtual
XP has caused serious
presence, enterprise class
hosts on a single machine,
conflicts and software
e-Mail system with antivirus
Plesk 7.5 Reloaded
compatibility issues in the
and spam filtering, private
eliminates constraints to
past. Can you afford the
Instant Messaging (IM),
increasing per server
loss of time and revenue
Virtural Private Network
profitability. Plesk 7.5
installing your software and
(VPN) services, Corporate
Reloaded provides the
reconfiguring your systems?
Intranet Portal, Intranet
perfect solution for IT
Customer Relationship
service providers to
Management (CRM) system, Web
increase clientele and
Content Filtering, e-mail
customize their systems to
proxy with virus and spam
meet their corporate
protection, Content
customers growing needs for
Management System (CMS),
self administration.
e-Commerce and much more.
The Kuadra ES can replace
almost any server including
Windows NT and Exchange.
The Kuadra ES is simple to
install, it is easy to use
and is very affordable. The
Kuadra ES offers great value
and is priced thousands
below any comparable system.
The Kuadra ES is a license
free system and compatible
with all windows clients and

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: Jun, 27 2005

Date: Jun, 24 2005

Date: Jun, 17 2005
Plesk for Windows offers the
This application is
Documentation / manual for
Point SoftCast to a directory
most extensive web server
designated for automated
UNIX. A must read for all
with your install files, and
management feature set in
optimizing and easy
webmasters, programmers and
tell it what Active
the industry today. Five
administrating of the
developers. This is a FREE
Directory Group (containing
unique secure access tiers
Windows operating system
machines) you want the
provide customizable
install to run on and it
management settings with
NT/2000/XP/2003. The
takes care of the rest. OPEN
quick start templates for
program provides you with
automated creation of
the possibility to tune all
clients, domains, DNS, and
aspects of the Windows
notifications settings. The
operating system related to
heart of system provides
performance, security and
easy to use interfaces for
reliability of the system.
quickly configuring Apache,
Also, it provides you with
Mailenable, BIND, MySQL,
the possibility to tune the
FTPd and MS FrontPage
network parameters specially
extensions, Web-based
related to the network
E-mail, and so on.
performance. Besides, the
CubeOptimizer application
offers you the fastest
access to the most required
Windows utilities. It
provides you with the
possibility to restore the
operating system from the
distribution (such as CD-ROM
or any other). In
addition the application
saves the history of changes
providing you with the
possibility to restore the
system to its previous
state. It guarantees high
security level for the users
operating system that
significantly distinguish
our system from the our
competitor products.

Date: May, 19 2005

Date: May, 05 2005

Date: Apr, 30 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005
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