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Server Management


CPanel Configuration Tutorials

Hits: 358

Ensim Pro Control Panels

Hits: 854
A cross-platform tool for
This is a collection of
Though many sysadmins realise
Ensim Pro is the industry's
keeping tabs on your web
growing CPanel Tutorials
the importance of a solid
most comprehensive
sites and custom
that will help the user and
documentation of their
management software for
applications. Fits into
new server owner understand
network, many people doesn't
hosting service providers
virtually any enterprise
how CPanel works, and how to
seem to like doing the
large to small. Available
with real-time dashboards,
use its many functions.
actual work involved. I
for both Linux and Windows,
outage history, extensible
wouldn't be surprised if
Ensim Pro hosting automation
monitoring and alerts, and
there are more people who
software includes all the
access to status in a
have documentation on their
tools and features service
simple, xml-based format.
todo list (probably down at
providers need to build
the bottom, but of course
with high priority), then
professional-quality hosting
admins who are happy with
plans for their shared,
their documentation. SYDI
reseller and small business
fits in when it comes to
documenting your servers. It
is a vbscript which gathers
information through Windows
Management Instrumentation
(WMI). The information is
then written into a
Microsoft Word file. After
running the script the Word
document will contain useful
information such as; OS
Version, Service Pack, RAM,
Processors, Hard drives, ip
address, services etc.

Date: Oct, 19 2004

Date: Sep, 28 2004

Date: Aug, 18 2004

Date: Aug, 05 2004
Apache Admin is THE software
Learn how to setup subdomains
Backup Buddy for cPanel is a
** SALE PRICE $5.00 USD **
solution for configuring
on WHM web hosting manager
client side solution to
<br> Keep
your Apache Web Server.
easily! Our flash tutorial
scheduled backups and
your customers data, and
Apache Admin takes out the
will help you learn about
archiving. Living in your
your servers data
error-prone and tedious
system tray (near your
secure. Our Backup Kit,
editing of text files in
clock) and sporting an easy
takes the question of the
configuring Apache Web
to use, straight forward
security of your data.
Server, and gets your
interface, this system will
Upcoming features ( 2.0
website up and running
put the entire backup
release ) Selected
quickly. Perfect for both
process on Auto Pilot for
automated cron
novice administrators and
you. The Backup Buddy works
times. Select which extra
seasoned veterans alike,
with many cPanel skins and
features to backup. (mail
Apache Admin makes
can be scheduled to backup
pgsql mysql other..) Define
configuring and tuning your
an unlimited number of
local partitions ( local or
web server a breeze, all
domains, on an unlimited
remote ) Define Remote
from the comfort of your
number of servers at any
folder structures Select
Microsoft® Windows® desktop.
given interval and at any
exactly which reseller,
time of day or night. The
site(s), or appliance. (
process will generate a FULL
one or multiples ) Select
backup (cPanel driven to
Size of backups (in MB or
include all, including SQL,
GB) Select multiple or
alias's, etc), download it
single email
to your local machine in a
notification Create
folder specific to the
multiple backup times, and
domain, and then delete the
jobs Select how many days
original off of the server.
to keep selected
backups Our Backup Kit
creates compressed backups
of all of the following
items: Mysql
Databases each domain
related database is backed
up to each client, backups
are also provided to the
remote location
selected. PgSql Needed
Databases The WEBppliance
uses the servers Postgresql
database for many of its
features We duplicate and
compress this, sending it to
the remote location. DNS
Entries Each domain hosted
on your server, has the
option of using local DNS
With this we backup all of
the domains DNS files and
compress them transfering
them to the remote
location. Current
customizations Should you
have installed any
additional Third Party
features, to your server, we
have several locations that
are included
/var/www/html and
more Current Email for
root or other real
users The directory
/var/spool/mail is added
into this to assure any
emails to root or other
users arent missed. All
hosted domains Each and
every domain hosted, will be
filtered out into single
compressed files using the
Ensim® WEBppliance™ vhbackup
utillity, to ensure
compatiblity with all 3.x
version Ensim® WEBppliance™
servers. Reseller
data Bandwidth
statistics Addons -
Themes/Skins Most custom
addons * All of the
Awstats data files for all
sites Currently supporting
these folder

Date: Jul, 27 2004

Date: Jul, 23 2004

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Jul, 02 2004
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