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Server Management


Control Remote PC

Hits: 219

File Service Extension for IIS

Hits: 210

RSM (Remote Service Manager)

Hits: 192

Admin Report Kit

Hits: 688
Control any computer on
Enhances Internet Information
RSM - Remote Service Manager
Admin Report Kit (ARK)™ is a
remote server location by
Server with: Anti-leech;
is a free tool for Windows
powerful, general-purpose
IP/name. Features included
Concurrent connections
NT (SP6), Windows 2000 and
reporting tool for the
for remote control are:
limit; Concurrent
Windows XP which allows
Microsoft Enterprise
Reboot, Shutdown, Logoff
connections from same IP
remote startup/shutdown of
Network. ARK presents
current user, Stop, start,
limit; Traffic per day
single services and a system
information, about logical
disable and enable services,
limit; Open hours control;
reboot with a simple telnet
entities present in the
Show service dependencies,
Max session time limit;
session. RSM installs itself
Microsoft Enterprise
List, Kill, Execute
Real-time connections
as a service, listening to
Network, in the form of
processes, Show drive, Drive
tracing; Real-time
the specified port (default
Trees, Tables and Views. All
free space, Partition,
connections handling; Easy
is 40), waiting for
categories of information
Logical memory, CPU and OS
IP deny/allow setting;
connections from specified
reported by ARK are
info, List, create and
Custom server software
addresses with specified
available across the domains
delete shares, List printers.
signature; Custom directory
login:password. After login
in the enterprise. This
browsing page.
the user can issue, via
means that information may
command line, various
be viewed and reported for
commands in order to list,
several systems in the
start, stop the services of
enterprise simultaneously,
the host running RSM or can
from a single location.
force a restart of the
remote host.

Date: Dec, 09 2002

Date: Sep, 10 2002

Date: Aug, 08 2002

Date: Mar, 08 2002
ipMonitor is a network
IISTracer is a real-time
monitoring, alerting and
monitoring tool for
recovery software that IT
Microsoft IIS. IISTracer
professionals and ISPs/ASPs
monitors scripts
depend on to ensure quality
(.asp,.cgi,..), static files
of service and network
(.htm,.gif,..) and downloads
uptime, around-the-clock.
(.mp3,.zip,..) and lets you
ipMonitor uses 42 monitor
show online current state,
types to test the
progress (in/out bytes) and
availability and
other info (client IP, HTTP
responsiveness of network
headers) of each running
resources at the protocol
request in IIS.
and transaction levels. In
the event of a problem,
ipMonitor will attempt to
solve it by restarting
failed services, rebooting
machines, initiating
recovery scripts, or
executing 3rd party recovery
applications. With a diverse
array of notification
methods, comprehensive
reporting abilities, and
licensing of unlimited
resources, ipMonitor is
ideal for mission-critical
eCommerce and eBusiness

Date: Jan, 02 2002

Date: Aug, 31 2001
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