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Server Management


WinaXe Windows X Server

Hits: 1062

Website Monitoring Application

Hits: 689

Website Monitoring Tools

Hits: 1117
Windows X Server, Run Linux
Monitor all your websites
Useful website and server
Have an LDAP directory that
and Unix on Windows Desktop.
with this free website
monitoring tools, to help
you spent countless hours
The WinaXe Windows X Server
monitoring application. Sits
you keep your website up and
working on? Back it up!
is a program that emulates
in the system tray, alerts
running 24 hours a day 7
This script will dump all
the X terminal on your PC.
you with an icon
days a week. Website
your entries into a file,
WinaXe is XServer
notification and an email if
monitoring and server
store them on the local
implementation of the X11 R6
your website is down or
monitoring and essential to
computer, email them to as
release of the X Window
running slowly. Runs as a
any successful website
many email addresses as you
System. The X Server can run
service on NT and above so
operation. Don't be caught
want, and FTP them to a
one or more X Window based
it will run even if not
with your website down.
remote server of your
client applications (X
logged onto the machine.
choice. All of this can be
clients) that are resident
done automatically with
on a host computer. The host
cron, so once the script is
can be any computer that
configured for your server,
supports the X protocol.
you're all set!

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Aug, 10 2006
A Free Hosting Control Panel
datAxe is a software program
This is a shell script mainly
Advanced Internet Information
for Linux intended to
designed to convert serial
consisting of the
Server Diagnostics and
replace the need for
(RS232) data to the TCP/IP
installation commands shown
Reporting with a quick
expensive software such as
packets format and TCP/IP
in the Gentoo installation
installation. Developed 100%
Ensim, CPanel & Plesk.
packets to serial data.
manual for the x86
in ASP. Available
It uses Apache, Postfix,
While running on your PC,
installation. It allows you
diagnostics: ASP, Session,
MySQL & other projects
datAxe can receive serial
to configure everything in
Parent Path, Date &
like AWStats and phpMyAdmin.
data from a COM port of your
advance and "save"
Time, File System Object,
The GUI is written in PHP,
PC and then send them out to
your configuration. This
XMLHTTP, Email & Upload
and the backend in Perl
a TCP/IP network through a
must be done directly inside
components, Databases and IP.
& Bash. RavenCore
TCP/IP socket connection on
the code. The script
checks for installed
your PC. datAxe can also
installs a complete Gentoo
components on your server,
receive serial data from a
system with a standard LVM
and gives you options to
TCP/IP network through a
disk layout. In order to
control whatever that
TCP/IP socket connection and
take advantage of it you
particular version of
send them to a serial port
must be experienced with the
RavenCore is able to
on your PC
normal Gentoo installation
interface with. These
include, but are not limited
to: Postfix, Dovecot,
Spam Assassin, ClamAV, Bind
DNS, MySQL, vsftpd, and much

Date: Aug, 07 2006

Date: Aug, 04 2006

Date: Jul, 20 2006

Date: Jul, 20 2006
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