
popular collection of scripts for all

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Server Management


Server and Website Monitoring

Hits: 646


Hits: 366

DirectAdmin Web Control Panel

Hits: 675


Hits: 226
We provide monitoring from
Allows client administration
DirectAdmin is designed to be
BGraphs is a set of shell
several datacenters. This
of web sites including
the easiest to use, fastest
scripts for (Free)BSD
ensures that your server or
email, ftp, frontpage,
running, most stable, and
systems that generate CPU,
website is checked every
mysql, file management and
best priced control panel
bandwidth, disk, memory
minute. It also means that
available. It is so
usage and number of
if one network is down,
intuitive that even
processes. The graphs are
another one picks up! And
beginners can administrate
stored ready to be seen from
if THAT network goes down,
their server and create web
a web browser.
the next picks it up! So,
sites with ease. Other
no matter what is happening,
features include an
we will always be monitoring!
integrated ticket support
system, the ability to
change skins, and automatic
crash recovery.

Date: Jul, 13 2003

Date: Jun, 04 2003

Date: May, 28 2003

Date: May, 05 2003
ActivXperts Network Monitor
Enhanced Cluster Tools (ECT)
xCAT (Extreme Cluster
Xmingwin makes it practical
makes sure your servers in
for Linux is a set of
Administration Toolkit) is a
to generate Windows programs
your network are functioning
additional tools for the
tool kit that can be used
from a Linux server. This
well. It provides numerous
enhancement of Cluster
for the deployment and
column gives a recipe for
ways to avoid and detect
Systems Management (CSM),
administration of Linux
setting up Xmingwin,
serious errors on your
which assists an
clusters. Its features are
outlines the most important
servers. It uses different
administrator in managing a
based on user requirements,
reasons for doing so and
ways to monitor the states
whole set of Linux machines.
and many of its features
shows you how to generate
of the network servers,
CSM includes features such
take advantage of IBM
executables for multiple
like: ICMP checking, TCP
as parallel installation,
xSeries hardware.
platforms -- including
connectivity checking,
hardware control,
Windows DLLs -- from a
service state detection,
configuration file
single Linux source
event log content checking,
management, event
disk space checking,
monitoring, and more that
database checking, and many
help make it easier for an
more. Write your own
administrator to set up and
user-defined check routines
maintain clusters. ECT
in VBScript.
provides additional features
such as an xCAT-to-CSM
transitional tool and
scripts for easily
collecting data from service
processors. Many of the
scripts in ECT are early
versions of tools that will
eventually be merged into
CSM in future releases.

Date: Feb, 18 2003

Date: Feb, 05 2003

Date: Feb, 03 2003

Date: Feb, 03 2003
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