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Server Management


UNIX Manual

Hits: 577

Uptime100 Website Monitoring

Hits: 664
Though many sysadmins realise
Tray Control allows you to
Documentation / manual for
Free trial available.
the importance of a solid
reduce the Apache server
UNIX. A must read for all
Uptime100 provides Website
documentation of their
window to an icon in your
webmasters, programmers and
Monitoring for FTSE100, AIM
network, many people doesn't
system tray. It has options
developers. This is a FREE
and Techmark companies, and
seem to like doing the
for displaying the version
Internet Ventures worldwide.
actual work involved. I
and build information,
We provide alerts via
wouldn't be surprised if
virtual host settings, and
email, SMS/text message, and
there are more people who
list of built-in modules,
voice telephone.
have documentation on their
and the output of
todo list (probably down at
netstat.exe &
the bottom, but of course
ipconfig.exe--all from
with high priority), then
within a windows graphical
admins who are happy with
user interface.
their documentation. SYDI
fits in when it comes to
documenting your servers. It
is a vbscript which gathers
information through Windows
Management Instrumentation
(WMI). The information is
then written into a
Microsoft Word file. After
running the script the Word
document will contain useful
information such as; OS
Version, Service Pack, RAM,
Processors, Hard drives, ip
address, services etc.

Date: Aug, 18 2004

Date: Jan, 02 2005

Date: Apr, 30 2005

Date: Jan, 14 2004
A cross-platform tool for
Monitor your website uptime
Monitor all your websites
Useful website and server
keeping tabs on your web
with this simple command
with this free website
monitoring tools, to help
sites and custom
line tool. Very easy to
monitoring application. Sits
you keep your website up and
applications. Fits into
configure, all urls and
in the system tray, alerts
running 24 hours a day 7
virtually any enterprise
email settings are stored in
you with an icon
days a week. Website
with real-time dashboards,
easy to edit text files.
notification and an email if
monitoring and server
outage history, extensible
Sends off an email if your
your website is down or
monitoring and essential to
monitoring and alerts, and
website is down. Works with
running slowly. Runs as a
any successful website
access to status in a
all urls, even SSL enabled
service on NT and above so
operation. Don't be caught
simple, xml-based format.
websites. 100% freeware,
it will run even if not
with your website down.
very small executable file
logged onto the machine.
is fast and efficient.

Date: Oct, 19 2004

Date: Dec, 05 2006

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Aug, 14 2006
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