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Server Management


File Service Extension for IIS

Hits: 210

Free IIS Diagnostics

Hits: 768


Hits: 395
Enhances Internet Information
Advanced Internet Information
Game-Panel is the most
This is a shell script mainly
Server with: Anti-leech;
Server Diagnostics and
advanced game server control
consisting of the
Concurrent connections
Reporting with a quick
panel on the net. Complete
installation commands shown
limit; Concurrent
installation. Developed 100%
server control with the ONLY
in the Gentoo installation
connections from same IP
in ASP. Available
GUI based control panel.
manual for the x86
limit; Traffic per day
diagnostics: ASP, Session,
Supports both Windows and
installation. It allows you
limit; Open hours control;
Parent Path, Date &
Linux distro's. Automatic
to configure everything in
Max session time limit;
Time, File System Object,
updates, keep up to date
advance and "save"
Real-time connections
XMLHTTP, Email & Upload
with a click of a button, no
your configuration. This
tracing; Real-time
components, Databases and IP.
downloading!! Easy installer
must be done directly inside
connections handling; Easy
for both Windows and Linux.
the code. The script
IP deny/allow setting;
Easy navigation! Install new
installs a complete Gentoo
Custom server software
game servers in less then 5
system with a standard LVM
signature; Custom directory
disk layout. In order to
browsing page.
take advantage of it you
must be experienced with the
normal Gentoo installation

Date: Sep, 10 2002

Date: Jul, 20 2006

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 20 2006
In UNIX systems, the cron
Housekeeping allows you to do
The Internet Information
IISTracer is a real-time
daemon exists to automate
all your housekeeping tasks
Services (IIS) debug tools
monitoring tool for
tasks that should be done
on either directories or
are designed to help
Microsoft IIS. IISTracer
periodically. Unfortunately,
files on your Linux or Unix
determine which requests
monitors scripts
Windows provides only a very
server. It allows to do
have caused IIS to crash and
(.asp,.cgi,..), static files
limited ability to automate
housekeeping tasks on
to log specific information
(.htm,.gif,..) and downloads
tasks. HiBase Task Scheduler
file/directorys depending
when a request does not
(.mp3,.zip,..) and lets you
comes to the rescue. The
number of days old, file
respond in an expected time
show online current state,
program allows you to
extensions, file size or on
period. This toolkit is made
progress (in/out bytes) and
schedule various tasks. You
non of the above.
up of 2 main tools: IIS
other info (client IP, HTTP
can run applications at
Crash/Hang Agent tracks all
headers) of each running
certain times, execute files
requests as they enter IIS
request in IIS.
using Windows file
and leave IIS and will log
requests that are still
copy/rename/delete files,
being processed if IIS
etc. Task Scheduler has
terminates unexpectedly.
built-in ZIP compression
This tool also allows an
support too. HiBase Task
administrator to configure a
Scheduler provides you with
command line to run whenever
several modes of scheduling.
a request takes too long to
You can combine calendar
respond indicating a
dates, days of month/week,
potential hang. IIS Dump is
times of a day and number of
the default command line for
executions per day. Tasks
gathering information on
are organized in tree form.
Hangs; this tool is able to
Tasks can be chained (next
dump many different items at
task starts upon the end of
once for root cause analysis
the previous), paralleled
investigation. IIS Dump can
(several tasks run
produce text reports on
simultaneously) or
stacks for each thread in an
grouped. The interface
IIS-related process, dump
is clean and well thought
files for each IIS-related
out. The same window is used
process, dump the Metabase
for all operations.
in an XML format file, and
High stability and a low
provide system DLL version
cost make this application a
leading solution in this
class of software.

Date: Jul, 19 2006

Date: May, 21 2004

Date: Mar, 08 2005

Date: Aug, 31 2001
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