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Server Management


CPanel Configuration Tutorials

Hits: 358

cPanel DeskTop 1.0

Hits: 317

cPanel Wizard

Hits: 672

cPanel Wizard Professional

Hits: 236
This is a collection of
A custom branded, client side
A convenience tool for
Put the power of cPanel on
growing CPanel Tutorials
(Desktop) solution for
professional cPanel users.
your desktop! Developed by
that will help the user and
cPanel. Offer what is
A Database of all of your
popular demand, cPanel
new server owner understand
essentially a custom coded
accounts, providing one
Wizard Professional takes
how CPanel works, and how to
freeware to YOUR clients and
click access to each of
Hosting Administration
use its many functions.
prospects for that
them. Also provides a
convenience to the next
"value added"
quickstart to setting up and
level for cPanel users.
advantage. And do so at a
maintaining your accounts.
Regardless of if you are
dirt bottom price.
a web host or designer with
cPanel DeskTop can put
multitudes of accounts to
everything your client needs
care for, or if you have
to be happy in business with
only one, the convenience
you, in one convenient place
level offered by desktop
on his desktop. Try our
administration of your
demo and see for yourself
cPanel accounts is one to be
why the cPanel Wizard
experienced. All of your
product line has been so
access details are contained
popular. Your clients will
by the software in an
thank you for it!
encrypted database for your
access convenience. And
accessing specific cPanel
functions is simply a matter
of a single mouse click.

Date: Sep, 28 2004

Date: Jan, 08 2006

Date: Nov, 10 2003

Date: May, 16 2004
Cpanel XP might just be the
Have an LDAP directory that
This application is
datAxe is a software program
only Cpanel add-on you will
you spent countless hours
designated for automated
designed to convert serial
ever need. This is not your
working on? Back it up!
optimizing and easy
(RS232) data to the TCP/IP
usual Cpanel Skin, Packed
This script will dump all
administrating of the
packets format and TCP/IP
with User friendly interface
your entries into a file,
Windows operating system
packets to serial data.
and powerful features, you
store them on the local
While running on your PC,
can easily impress potential
computer, email them to as
NT/2000/XP/2003. The
datAxe can receive serial
Web Hosting customers. This
many email addresses as you
program provides you with
data from a COM port of your
hosting market is saturated.
want, and FTP them to a
the possibility to tune all
PC and then send them out to
When thousands of webhosts
remote server of your
aspects of the Windows
a TCP/IP network through a
out there are offering the
choice. All of this can be
operating system related to
TCP/IP socket connection on
default skin, you can
done automatically with
performance, security and
your PC. datAxe can also
differentiate yourself and
cron, so once the script is
reliability of the system.
receive serial data from a
make the decision for
configured for your server,
Also, it provides you with
TCP/IP network through a
potential customers an easy
you're all set!
the possibility to tune the
TCP/IP socket connection and
one. With Cpanel XP they are
network parameters specially
send them to a serial port
going to choose you! Why
related to the network
on your PC
make it hard for them and
performance. Besides, the
yourself? Features in
CubeOptimizer application
brief: °°°° User Friendly
offers you the fastest
Interface - Click here for
access to the most required
the cpanel skin
Windows utilities. It
screenshots °°°° Feature
provides you with the
Enabled - Your reseller can
possibility to restore the
turn features on and off via
operating system from the
WebHost Manager °°°°
distribution (such as CD-ROM
Degrades with Grace - You
or any other). In
will not see an ugly hollow
addition the application
like the default skin when a
saves the history of changes
feature is disabled °°°°
providing you with the
Multilingual - 6 Languages
possibility to restore the
at the time of writing and
system to its previous
new languages are added
state. It guarantees high
every now and then. Click
security level for the users
here to see the progress for
operating system that
the upcoming language
significantly distinguish
translations. Current
our system from the our
Languages: English, Russian,
competitor products.
Portuguese, French,
Italian,Dutch and
Indonesian. °°°° Very
Customizable - Click here to
see how you or your reseller
can add logo to the theme.
Plus, we will be adding
guides and plugin mods to
the Resources & Mods
section to you can further
customize your Cpanel
skin. °°°° Language Aware
- You can add your own
language to the
skin. °°°° Easy
Installation - You don't
have to be a rocket
scientist to install Cpanel
XP 2004. °°°° Supports
Fantastico & Source
Matrix - Cpanel XP
autodetects Fantastico &
Source Matrix Scripts
installers click here for
the screenshot.

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Aug, 10 2006

Date: May, 05 2005

Date: Aug, 04 2006
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