Ensim Pro is the industry's
Have an LDAP directory that
PC Performance
Is your PC
IISTracer is a real-time
most comprehensive
you spent countless hours
running slow? This software
monitoring tool for
management software for
working on? Back it up!
program will tell you if
Microsoft IIS. IISTracer
hosting service providers
This script will dump all
your system processor and
monitors scripts
large to small. Available
your entries into a file,
memory are being filled to
(.asp,.cgi,..), static files
for both Linux and Windows,
store them on the local
the rim! Small and sits out
(.htm,.gif,..) and downloads
Ensim Pro hosting automation
computer, email them to as
of the way so you can always
(.mp3,.zip,..) and lets you
software includes all the
many email addresses as you
keep an eye on your PC's
show online current state,
tools and features service
want, and FTP them to a
health. Monitors CPU, ram
progress (in/out bytes) and
providers need to build
remote server of your
and hard drive space.
other info (client IP, HTTP
choice. All of this can be
Options allow you to change
headers) of each running
professional-quality hosting
done automatically with
update speed and
request in IIS.
plans for their shared,
cron, so once the script is
reseller and small business
configured for your server,
you're all set!
Date: Aug, 05 2004 Date: Aug, 10 2006 Date: Aug, 23 2006 Date: Aug, 31 2001 |
Complete network management
XP Pro IIS Admin is a free
It allows you to create exact
Advanced Internet Information
solution containing two must
tool for using on Windows
server disk image for
Server Diagnostics and
applications for the network
2000/XP Pro. It allows you
complete backup and totally
Reporting with a quick
administrators. The first
to create multiple websites
protects your system and
installation. Developed 100%
component, Alchemy Network
on Windows Pro and easily
corporate data in any
in ASP. Available
Monitor, monitors servers in
switch between those
disaster case. Drive Backup
diagnostics: ASP, Session,
your corporate network and
websites. Without this
Server provides you with the
Parent Path, Date &
alerts the Network
utility on Windows 2000/XP
most comprehensive and cost
Time, File System Object,
Administrator in the case of
Professional only one
effective backup, restore
XMLHTTP, Email & Upload
the network failures. The
website can be created.
and recovery capabilities
components, Databases and IP.
second component, Alchemy
Most of professional web
for servers and
Network Inventory, makes the
developers work with many
workstations. New, the most
complete network inventory
websites at the same time.
intuitive and convenient
and provides the Network
However, on standard Windows
interface simplifies
Administrator with the
Professional it is hard to
management of backup
detailed assets report.
switch between different web
procedures offering greater
sites. Using this tool, you
flexibility to IT
can switch between websites
at one second
Date: Dec, 08 2006 Date: May, 03 2006 Date: Sep, 13 2005 Date: Jul, 20 2006 |