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Server Management


Website Monitoring Application

Hits: 689

Admin Report Kit

Hits: 688


Hits: 680
Monitor all your websites
Admin Report Kit (ARK)™ is a
Web-Monitor, Bookmark
CleverEye is availability
with this free website
powerful, general-purpose
Manager, Web Capture Tool
monitoring, alerting and
monitoring application. Sits
reporting tool for the
and Web-Page Archiver.
reporting software.
in the system tray, alerts
Microsoft Enterprise
Checks web sites for updates
Automatically measure
you with an icon
Network. ARK presents
and notifies you of changes.
response time and trigger
notification and an email if
information, about logical
Automatically captures
alerts when thresholds are
your website is down or
entities present in the
changed web pages and
broken. Easy to install,
running slowly. Runs as a
Microsoft Enterprise
highlights the new content.
agent-less, Web based,
service on NT and above so
Network, in the form of
Manages bookmarks, detects
supports multiple concurrent
it will run even if not
Trees, Tables and Views. All
dead links and duplicates.
users. Four powerful modules
logged onto the machine.
categories of information
Imports, exports and
to monitor from different
reported by ARK are
synchronizes your bookmarks
perspectives: network layer,
available across the domains
among browsers (Internet
application layer, SNMP and
in the enterprise. This
Explorer, FireFox, Opera).
operating system. Monitor
means that information may
Converts the bookmarks to
servers, websites,
be viewed and reported for
HTML. A must-have tool for
databases, applications,
several systems in the
every web researcher.
CPUs, memory, disk, FTP,
enterprise simultaneously,
DNS, LDAP and more.
from a single location.

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Mar, 08 2002

Date: Jul, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 12 2005
DirectAdmin is designed to be
Enhanced Cluster Tools (ECT)
A convenience tool for
Free trial available.
the easiest to use, fastest
for Linux is a set of
professional cPanel users.
Uptime100 provides Website
running, most stable, and
additional tools for the
A Database of all of your
Monitoring for FTSE100, AIM
best priced control panel
enhancement of Cluster
accounts, providing one
and Techmark companies, and
available. It is so
Systems Management (CSM),
click access to each of
Internet Ventures worldwide.
intuitive that even
which assists an
them. Also provides a
We provide alerts via
beginners can administrate
administrator in managing a
quickstart to setting up and
email, SMS/text message, and
their server and create web
whole set of Linux machines.
maintaining your accounts.
voice telephone.
sites with ease. Other
CSM includes features such
features include an
as parallel installation,
integrated ticket support
hardware control,
system, the ability to
configuration file
change skins, and automatic
management, event
crash recovery.
monitoring, and more that
help make it easier for an
administrator to set up and
maintain clusters. ECT
provides additional features
such as an xCAT-to-CSM
transitional tool and
scripts for easily
collecting data from service
processors. Many of the
scripts in ECT are early
versions of tools that will
eventually be merged into
CSM in future releases.

Date: May, 28 2003

Date: Feb, 05 2003

Date: Nov, 10 2003

Date: Jan, 14 2004
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