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Online Communities



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Hits: 850

PHPIndex Forum

Hits: 848


Hits: 296
A new community which is
PHPFrance is a French site
This form maintained by
PHPmac is the largest online
dedicated to the discussion
dedicated to PHP
PHPIndex provides a
resource totally dedicated
of developing web
development. It currently
discussion place for PHP
to Mac users of PHP. From
applications and sites using
offers forums, tutorials,
development, in french.
articles and tutorials on
PHP and related technology.
and scripts.
enabling supplied PHP to
Building and Installing your
own PHP with many modules,
to using Mac applications to
optimise your website,
PHPmac has it all.

Date: Jul, 22 2002

Date: Jan, 03 2001

Date: Mar, 10 2000

Date: Apr, 16 2005
A nice community of
PHPNuke-Downloads.com is
A discussion forum place to
developers willing to
serving phpnuke community
talk anything and everything
is a web based PHP
provide help and advice on
for last one year. We offer
about PHP language.
discussion and help resource
PHP, MySQL and any other PHP
different phpnuke blocks,
for all PHP related issues
related topics.
modules, themes, celebrity
and questions. Community
wallpapers, latest IT news,
Forums for PHP programming,
rich articles and of course
both experienced and new.
supporting forum. Some of
Come on in and ask your
our own scripts are Flam
question, seasoned
Flash mp3 player module,
professionals are always on
Weather network block,
hand to answer the most
Dreamgirls wallpaper block,
simple OR complex PHP
questions. New free scripts
translation package.
for members.

Date: Jan, 20 2005

Date: Jan, 15 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2002

Date: Aug, 29 2005
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