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Dynamic Temperature Widget

Hits: 827

Edit-X CMS

Hits: 983


Hits: 852

For Freelance

Hits: 1372
With only a few lines of PHP
Edit-X is the creator and
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buyer needs and freelancer
in need of programming
dynamic temperature widget
Content Management and
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eCommerce software --
projects to receive multiple
displays the current temp,
featuring the Content
bids from registered
the high temp, and the low
Control Framework. Edit-X
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temp from over 12,000
CMS is a set of cutting edge
If you're in need of
weather stations. Your site
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visitors get to choose their
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a competent and experienced
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Plus, our intuitive user
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interface makes it a breeze
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satellite map of the
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station. The background
manage high-volumes of
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content. Edit-X CMS features
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enhanced tools for larger
temperature displayed.
content management
environments and offers
support for multiple sites
and unlimited authorized
users. Users have an
intuitive WYSIWYG (What You
See Is What You Get)
editorial interface that
makes adding and updating
content as easy as using a
word processor. Edit-X CMS
is designed to give
organizations of all sizes a
scalable solution for
managing online information.

Date: Sep, 07 2005

Date: Apr, 07 2005

Date: Jul, 23 2002

Date: Jun, 04 2006
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Date: Aug, 19 2003

Date: Mar, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 09 2006

Date: Jul, 08 2005
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