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Planet K

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When you join Planet K
Project4Hire.com is the place
This is free categorized
r2xDesign.net is design for
Premium you will have access
to find PHP Programmers, Web
online directory for PHP and
all users that want or
to to an entire library of
Designers, Graphic Designers
especially PHP5 projects.
getting into web scripting,
resources and special areas
and other Freelance
Members can publish
r2xDesign.net features ready
full of information that can
Professionals for your
projects, upload releases,
to use PHP scripts, useful
help any website or business
project needs. If you have a
track bugs, post
PHP code snippets, HTML/CSS
succeed. When you become a
programming project you need
documentation and tutorials
codes and simple and free
member of Planet K Premium
help on, Project4Hire.com
as well as run (moderated)
web templates, we also have
you will have access to a
can connect you with
forums. Besides, projects
helpful web scripting
libary of scripts that the
hundreds of qualified
leader can have team members
resources and other that are
general public don't have.
freelance programmers
to collaborate
non web scripting related!
The membership will also
willing to do the job. Just
with. Visitors can rate
allow you to get some PK
post your project needs and
projects, download them,
Products free of charge.
the interested freelancers
subscribe to receive alerts
When you become a member you
will bid for your project.
on certain projects,
become our Number One
If you are a freelance PHP
download releases and
Priority. This means that
programmer, Project4Hire.com
communicate in project
you will be at the top of
can also help you find
forums. The whole system
our list for support and
projects and earn income.
is written in PHP5 with
installations.You will have
Freeform Framework. It
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tutorials. So you don't have
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to go to different sites to
entities are represented by
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all be done from one site.
Even if you do not see what
you need just give Planet K
a bell and they will help
you in any way. Our members
only area is here to make
sure that you have all the
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information, and ideas, to
make your website succeed.

Date: Sep, 27 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2006

Date: Jan, 28 2005

Date: May, 08 2005
The first outsourcing
Scriptlisters is a new up and
ScriptsTalk.net is an online
ServMap Community is a
Platform dedicated to
comming auction market place
community for all
webmaster discussion forum
Romanian Developers. There
for web developers. It is
developers, programmers and
on howto serve maps over
has been lots of talk in the
free to list anything to do
all people who are
internet with the popular
news on outsourcing services
with web development from
interested in scripts and
UMN Mapserver. Discuss
to Romania, You can get your
advertising to selling
web development
PHP/Mapscript, Maptools and
quality work done lower than
ScriptsTalk.net helps you
other resources to publish
you expected.
in marketing your script
your own maps, and
free of charge in ads
implementation on web
section ScriptsTalk.net
hosting environment.
helps you to meet other
programmers and developers
ScriptsTalk.net help you
to closer to your consumers
and knowing consumer needs
and wants is very important
in business and guide you
when you are planning,
designing and programming
the scripts

Date: Oct, 18 2005

Date: Mar, 03 2006

Date: Sep, 09 2005

Date: Jul, 10 2006
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