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Online Communities


Open Source Education Course

Hits: 243

OxyScripts.com Forums

Hits: 872

PHP Bulletin Boards

Hits: 1061

PHP Coding Contest

Hits: 936
Our web site offers the
A discussion and support
Message board that discusses
Codewalkers.com has released
beginner a strong education
forum for PHP/MySQL
php based message boards
their latest PHP Coding
in the fundementals of
programmers, maintained by
scripts. Its developement,
Contest. In this challenge,
Content Management, LAMP and
creation and promotion.
you must write a script that
WAMP, and CPANEL web server
Forum also covers ideas of
plays a robot type game. The
administration. The web
promotion of message boards
object of the game is to eat
site may be used as a guest,
and gives list and reviews
all the apples while
a registered member or can
of both free and commercial
avoiding the enemy robots.
be taken as part of a
bulletin boards scripts such
The PHP Coding Contest is
certificate of proficiency
as phpBB, vBulletin,
now in its third year since
program at Pulaski Technical
InvisionBoard and other.
inception and touts $2,000
worth of prizes. The first
ten places will earn a
prize, so even if you aren't
the top winner, you have a
chance at winning something.
For more information
regarding the contest, see

Date: Sep, 08 2004

Date: Jul, 22 2003

Date: Dec, 02 2004

Date: May, 21 2004
PHP Community is a place to
If you feature scripts,
The aim of this Web site is
You want to create a small
discuss php. Need help in
tutorials, or other relevant
to provide a transparent,
community for your site, so
PHP, want to get a project
information concerning PHP
informative and independent
you look into php scripts.
done, interested in
on your homepage you may
information source for Web
You want a secure and solid
freelancing, whatever your
participate in this new
developers, designers and
script that isn't filled
reason may be, PHP Community
webring by the German site,
other IT professionals.
with nasty bugs and actually
is the place for all. Join
works. You search the web
today and enjoy the benefits
and find that nearly all of
of this wonderful community.
the php scripts out there
are either non-functional
and insecure, or they are
bulky and slow or they have
everything but the kitchen
sink. The authors of php
Ground was fed up with the
nonsense and decided to
write a few scripts of there
own, that did what we
wanted, instead of what a
bunch of company share
holders thought they wanted.

Date: Apr, 12 2005

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 07 2006

Date: Feb, 02 2004
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