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Online Communities


Geek Valley

Hits: 796

CodeDemons - Programming Forums

Hits: 373

v7n Webmaster Forums

Hits: 304
GeekValley is a premiere
TalkingCity.Com Webmaster
We have forums, chat,
Forums for the friendly
online development community
Discussion forums on web
tutorials, and more. A
discussion of web
with many users specializing
hosting, web design, search
full-fledged community of
development, search engine
in PHP, HTML, and more.
engine optimization (SEO)
developers helping each
optimization, Internet
Find many PHP related
Forum, search engines,
marketing and graphic
resources and ask for help
google, web programming, pay
design. Free registration.
with your PHP project today!
per click search engines
- We now have over 20k
message board, virtual
Posts and have upgraded to
private servers (VPS), PHP
ASP, Database, Webmaster
News and Articles.

Date: Aug, 20 2004

Date: Aug, 12 2004

Date: Aug, 06 2004

Date: Jul, 14 2004
Codewalkers.com has released
myCode Vault at
Operated by SitePoint.com,
PHP Hub brings together the
their latest PHP Coding
phpdevshed.com is a web
these Forums boast a large
whole PHP community with
Contest. In this challenge,
based personal (i.e. you are
number of registered
up-to the minute news,
you must write a script that
the only one that has access
members, over half a million
newgroups, tutorials,
plays a robot type game. The
to your code) code storage,
posts, and countless threads
articles and forum postings,
object of the game is to eat
that enable you to store
in categories such as PHP,
and a large repository of
all the apples while
bits of code and or
ASP, Web Hosting and
PHP resources. Also have
avoiding the enemy robots.
information in one place -
Freelancing. Hundreds of new
many php web templates.
The PHP Coding Contest is
online. You can use it to
posts are made daily, and
now in its third year since
store reusable code and or
everything is kept friendly
inception and touts $2,000
other information that you
and in-check by a group of
worth of prizes. The first
frequently use or need
mentors and advisors.
ten places will earn a
access to from anywhere in
prize, so even if you aren't
the world - all you need is
the top winner, you have a
access to the internet.
chance at winning something.
For more information
regarding the contest, see

Date: May, 21 2004

Date: Apr, 30 2004

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Apr, 21 2004
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