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Coding Ground - Free php scripts

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XMB Hacks

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Php Scripts , eBooks ,
Everything related to
Here you'll find the best
The XMBHacks Community Forums
Tutorials , Forum...
webmastering, programming
free hosting resources
has vast amounts of hacks
Anything related to PHP!
and related issues such as
available on the net. We
that are used for: XMB
visit The Coding Ground and
PHP, HTML, Perl and more.
also have a collection of
Partagium 1.8 SP1, SP2, SP3
Sumbit your site/script
Also offers hosting to
useful developer resources
and XMB Nexus 1.9. Since
today !
active community members.
and thriving user forums.
November 2003, when XMBHacks
And if you got a website of
was brought back up under
your own, don't miss the
new managment of XMB and
opportunity to exchange a
AventureMedia; we now have a
link with us.
new support team and a new
Hacks Quality team to assure
that all hacks are 100%
operational for your XMB
Forum to use on.

Date: Apr, 15 2004

Date: Apr, 10 2004

Date: Mar, 22 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004
Free-PHP.org have a large
Is it just PHP, or PHP,
You want to create a small
Welcome to MacphpBBMod @
categories list of PHP
Graphics, Layout, HTML,
community for your site, so
SourceForge.net In here
snippets covering all
Animations, Promotion,
you look into php scripts.
you will find a list of
aspects of PHP with more
Search Engines, etc...? Stop
You want a secure and solid
phpBB MODifications written
being added daily.
by the forums to discuss
script that isn't filled
by Mac (ycl6). You can
issues you are currently
with nasty bugs and actually
download all released
having or share some
works. You search the web
MODifications from mirrors
experience with others.
and find that nearly all of
available @ SourceForge by
Gaulard.com Forums, a place
the php scripts out there
following the Download Files
to ask questions, a place to
are either non-functional
link. You can also get MOD
get answers, a place to get
and insecure, or they are
installation and Usage
to know people.
bulky and slow or they have
support, and feature
everything but the kitchen
sguggestions within the
sink. The authors of php
Support Forum. I hope you
Ground was fed up with the
enjoy surfing on my site!
nonsense and decided to
write a few scripts of there
own, that did what we
wanted, instead of what a
bunch of company share
holders thought they wanted.

Date: Mar, 04 2004

Date: Feb, 22 2004

Date: Feb, 02 2004

Date: Feb, 01 2004
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