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Online Communities


PHP Five Web developers community

Hits: 1152

Dating Scripts Group

Hits: 1612

ServMap Community

Hits: 889


Hits: 536
The aim of this Web site is
This group is about online
ServMap Community is a
Codeless.org - Online
to provide a transparent,
matchmaking software,
webmaster discussion forum
discussion forum aimed at
informative and independent
internet communication
on howto serve maps over
computer programmers of all
information source for Web
solutions, best available
internet with the popular
ages and abilities.
developers, designers and
dating scripts, dating
UMN Mapserver. Discuss
other IT professionals.
software development, online
PHP/Mapscript, Maptools and
dating business, matchmaking
other resources to publish
agencies, video chat, dating
your own maps, and
software source code,
implementation on web
membership dating websites,
hosting environment.
matchmaking software, dating
website webmaster
communities, messenger
software solutions with
webcam support, adult
website pay per view video
streaming software ( PPV
videochat ), search engine
optimization for dating
websites, dating
communities, online dating
market research.

Date: Aug, 07 2006

Date: Jul, 24 2006

Date: Jul, 10 2006

Date: Jun, 09 2006
Webmasters and website owners
Dew-Code forums came about as
WebmasterTalk.in is an active
We are a new start-up forums
in need of programming
a means of supporting our
Webmasters Discussion forum
community. We offer many
services can post their
flagship script, but we also
for discussing topics
webmaster related forums
projects to receive multiple
have sections devoted to
related to web hosting,
(and more). We feature a
bids from registered
coding your own stuff, and
software, control panels,
universal user registration
programmers and providers.
some code snippts you can
system. Our goal is to
If you're in need of
use and/or add to if you'd
languages (ColdFusion, PHP,
provide users with access to
programming services or are
like. Drop on by and say
ASP etc), web designing,
all their favorite forums
a competent and experienced
advertising, SEO, Google
without the hassle of
programmer then register
discussion etc. Also find
registering for each one.
today to start posting or
Articles and Webmaster
Each forum is just a click
bidding on projects in your
Resource directory.
away. But we are new and we
field of expertise.
need your help! Please come
check us out.

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: May, 31 2006

Date: May, 27 2006

Date: May, 05 2006
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