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Forum Directory

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PHP Programming Forums

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OxyScripts.com Forums

Hits: 871
An on-line discussion forum
The one and only Directory of
We have many forums for all
A discussion and support
with topics related to the
Forum websites. You will
aspects of Programming PHP
forum for PHP/MySQL
creation of dynamic
latest updates on various
including programming help,
programmers, maintained by
websites. Forums include
forum scripts such as phpbb,
beginner tutorials, general
Perl, PHP, MySQL etc.
IB, VB and so on. Learn how
tutorials, advanced
to start a forum website
tutorials and many more.
from experts and drive
traffic by listing in
directory and Top Sites.

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 19 2003

Date: Jul, 27 2003

Date: Jul, 22 2003
A community forum where
SourceForums is a growing
Free tips, tutorials and
PHP-HowTo group features an
everyone can discuss
community of Web developers
downloads for programmers
email-based discussion forum
anything related to web
of all ages and levels of
and web developers.
for members to discuss PHP
development including:
experience. A Great
and related topics. Also
atmosphere and staff that is
find tutorials, tips, What's
there to help guide you
new, and so forth.
through whatever your
troubles might be. Wheter
its php or graphic related
our staff does an excellent
job at finding the answer
your looking for. So if
your looking for help on
your next project or one
your stuck on now, pay
SourceForums a visit and get
the job done!

Date: Jul, 14 2003

Date: Jun, 18 2003

Date: Mar, 31 2003

Date: Mar, 17 2003
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