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Dating Webmaster Community

Hits: 362

Dev Dreams PHP Discussions

Hits: 1338


Hits: 228
This website hosts a
With over 600 members and
A community forum where
DevExplore.com is a
community of dating
growing you are sure to get
everyone can discuss
categorized, fully
webmasters sharing specific
the answer you need.
anything related to web
searchable listing of web
interests : dating domain
Registration is free and
development including:
designers, programmers, and
names, dating software
only takes a couple of
other developers alike. You
development, dating website
minutes. We have various
can view ratings of
templates, dating site
sections which cover all
developers as well as add
aspects of webdesign and
your own rating. Adding your
online development. You can
listing to the database is
also earn points for being
free. There are also
an active member and then
articles that you can soak
spend these to purchase
up and a variety of forums
various items/advertising.
to converse in.

Date: Jun, 22 2005

Date: May, 09 2005

Date: Jul, 14 2003

Date: Feb, 07 2002
Dew-Code forums came about as
A script directory that uses
Online discussion forum to
We are a new start-up forums
a means of supporting our
a non-hierarchical
share ideas about PHP, ask
community. We offer many
flagship script, but we also
publishing scheme (like
questions, and get helpful
webmaster related forums
have sections devoted to
Digg) to decide which
advice and information.
(and more). We feature a
coding your own stuff, and
scripts get filtered to the
Beginners to experienced
universal user registration
some code snippts you can
professionals all welcome to
system. Our goal is to
use and/or add to if you'd
come and participate. Free!
provide users with access to
like. Drop on by and say
all their favorite forums
without the hassle of
registering for each one.
Each forum is just a click
away. But we are new and we
need your help! Please come
check us out.

Date: May, 31 2006

Date: Dec, 21 2006

Date: Mar, 16 2006

Date: May, 05 2006
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