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PHP Programming Forums

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We have many forums for all
PHP-HowTo group features an
A PHP Community suitable for
Want to learn how to create
aspects of Programming PHP
email-based discussion forum
both the young and the
dynamic content management
including programming help,
for members to discuss PHP
advanced programmers. Offers
systems? Need to learn it
beginner tutorials, general
and related topics. Also
a discussion board, news
fast and within a
tutorials, advanced
find tutorials, tips, What's
portal, web-related
structured, real world
tutorials and many more.
new, and so forth.
articles, scripts, blog,
environment? This course is
photo gallery, oekaki
intended to take students
drawing, fun games, and more.
from concept to completion.
From Intro to PHP &
MySQL to understanding
databases you will learn how
to take advantage of PHP and
MySQL and through hands-on
exercises create and
implement a database driven

Date: Jul, 27 2003

Date: Mar, 17 2003

Date: Jul, 25 2002

Date: Oct, 13 2003
Php programming community to
phpBBHacks.com is an
Dedicated to PHP programming,
php functions library is a
share and get tips on php
organized directory of
PHPBuilder.com's support
place for php developers to
programming and php scripts.
hacks, templates, graphics
forum provides one of the
exchange program functions.
and other related downloads
most active places for
for the phpBB forum
discussing PHP development
software, covering both
on the Web.
phpBB 1 and 2. It was the
first phpBB hacks site and
is the largest phpBB related
downloads site on the
Internet, featuring more
phpBB hacks and templates
than any other destination
online. phpBBHacks.com
also features top quality
Support Forums with polite
individuals who will try to
assist you, regardless of
where you got the download.

Date: Aug, 05 2002

Date: Feb, 15 2005

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Dec, 28 2002
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