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PHP Programming for Windows

Hits: 898
Written for beginners in PHP,
All-in-one--A nuts-and-bolts
Whether you are an
PHP Programming for Windows
this visual, task-based
programming toolkit for
experienced developer,
covers new ground including
guide gets users up and
anyone building dynamic web
system administrator, web
the use of PHP with Windows
running with the basics of
applications in the Unix
designer or new to MySQL and
databases such as Access and
PHP, starting with basic
environment. It gathers
phpMyAdmin, this book will
SQL Server plus other topics
syntax, testing scripts,
together the most
show you how to increase
such as the Microsoft SOAP
working with variables,
comprehensive set of tools
your productivity and
SDK and using PHP with the
creating Web applications,
and shareware utilities on
control when working with
Active Directory. This book
and more. Throughout the
the CD, and packages them
your databases. You will
covers PHP from installation
book, sample scripts and
with a comprehensive tips
learn how to: •
all the way up to developing
projects show the reader
and techniques reference
Administer MySQL users and
PHP applications with the
just what they need to know,
book. Complete
privileges, and get
Active Directory and .NET
and a companion Web site
CD-ROM--Includes all the
statistics about MySQL
and teaches developers how
offers every script
documentation to support the
servers and databases •
to optimize PHP for the
available for downloading.
products, all the code in
Manage databases, table data
Windows platform and how to
the book, PHP extension
and structures, and
work with PHP and Windows
modules, sample applications
indexes • Use bookmarks and
Enterprise technologies.
and a C compiler used to
metadata • Generate
compile PHP code. CD
multiple SQL queries •
includes: Red Hat Linux 5.x
Generate better
operating system; MySQL
documentation of evolving
database engine; PHP
table structures Along
programming language; code
the way you’ll build a more
listings and sample
detailed understanding of
applications; comprehensive
SQL and how it works in
resource list; all software
MySQL. As an
application developer you’ll
learn how to use phpMyAdmin
to: • Effectively perform
day-to-day database and
table management. • Create
better database tables and
relational structures •
More easily document your
evolving data
structure As a MySQL
server administrator, you’ll
benefit from the in-depth
and practical coverage
of: • Using phpMyAdmin to
manage users and
privileges • Getting server
and database
statistics All database
users will expand and refine
their knowledge of SQL in a
MySQL context through using
phpMyAdmin to track SQL
execution and
results. This book has
now been updated to cover

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Dec, 08 2004

Date: Feb, 19 2006
Core PHP Programming is the
You've downloaded a new PHP
This is the only book on PHP
Learn to build fast, secure
first complete, practical
program to install on your
that takes a visual approach
and reliable PHP
guide to PHP 3.x for
website, but it requires a
to learning this topic. As a
applications using
experienced Web developers.
MySQL database be setup, in
part of the Fast & Easy
professional development
Discover how PHP borrows the
order to run. Now what?
Web Development series, this
techniques: Prevent SQL
best ideas from Java, Perl,
That's what you're here to
book applies the highly
injection attacks, send
and C to create a remarkably
learn. And the fact is --
successful combination of
& Parse HTML email,
productive scripting
it's easy. This little ebook
filter user-submitted
environment. Then, with the
quickly guides you through
instructions and real
content, write professional
guidance of a leading PHP
the instructions needed to
screenshots for a truly
error-handling routines,
developer, learn every
setup your MySQL database.
unique learning experience.
cache pages for faster
technique you need to build
Also included are
PHP Fast & Easy Web
access, Create your own RSS
fast and robust Web
instructions on how to use
Development is ideal for the
feeds, produce charts &
applications. Master PHP
FTP, how to determine if
beginning Web developer or
graphs, create
syntax; then, review every
your website supports PHP
for Web developers who want
search-friendly URLs, and 92
PHP function, including I/O,
and MySQL, and a quick
to increase their skill set.
other practical
data, and math functions;
introduction to PHPMyAdmin.
This book contains a CD-ROM
pplications... PHP 5 Ready!
time, date, configuration,
of required software, for
image, and database
both Linux and Windows
functions. See PHP at work
plaforms: the Apache Web
in sample code that
server, the MySQL database
demonstrates sorting,
server, and PHP 4.0.0.
searching, parsing, and
string evaluation. Finally,
walk through three complete
Web/database integration
applications, learning
essential techniques for
building HTML tables from
SQL queries; tracking site
visitors; storing content in
databases, and much more.

Date: Oct, 11 1999

Date: Dec, 21 2004

Date: Aug, 15 2000

Date: Aug, 25 2004
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