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Foundation PHP for Flash

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PHP Black Book

Hits: 1775
All-in-one--A nuts-and-bolts
A comprehensive guide to how
PHP is a versatile open
The PHP Black Book is a
programming toolkit for
to use PHP alongside the
source scripting language
complete and indispensable
anyone building dynamic web
wireless Web's standard
capable of turning a
reference to the PHP open
applications in the Unix
languages, namely WML and
beautiful piece of Flash art
source scripting language
environment. It gathers
WMLScript, to create truly
into a useful, dynamic
version 4. Embedded in HTML
together the most
dynamic and powerful
creation - bringing serious
documents, PHP scripts
comprehensive set of tools
wireless applications. This
power to the design
create active server pages.
and shareware utilities on
book is derived from the
back-end. As an ingredient
This cross-platform book
the CD, and packages them
author's years of experience
to a website, PHP can help a
covers the language syntax,
with a comprehensive tips
in both wireless development
designer develop the
standard library, and
and techniques reference
and PHP programming, showing
functional potential of
integration with various
book. Complete
the reader how to make the
their work and set them
databases including open
CD-ROM--Includes all the
most of both technologies to
above the growing multitude
source databases such as
documentation to support the
create truly dynamic,
of motion graphics artists.
PostreSQL and MySQL.
products, all the code in
scaleable wireless
Written with the advanced
Explores issues such as
the book, PHP extension
applications. PHP
Flash designer in mind, this
internationalization, XML
modules, sample applications
programmers will find the
Foundation offers a thorough
integration, and LDAP.
and a C compiler used to
opportunity to use what they
tutorial which will build
compile PHP code. CD
already know to create
the designer's PHP skills
includes: Red Hat Linux 5.x
wireless applications, using
from nothing to the point
operating system; MySQL
concise, applicable examples
where they are confidently
database engine; PHP
that encourage readers to
able to use the language in
programming language; code
adapt the information
conjunction with Flash -
listings and sample
discussed within the book to
processing, storing and
applications; comprehensive
their own projects.
creating new data, or
resource list; all software
working as a bridge between
the Flash movie and external
data sources.

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006
If you're a programmer
Design and write effective
Professional PHP4 will show
This book provides you with
looking for the most
solutions for any Web-based
you exactly how to create
everything you need to know
effective uses of PHP, this
project with help from this
state of the art web
about PHP, MySQL and how to
book will provide you with:
thorough resource on
applications that scale
create dynamic webpages. You
A clear guide to common
PHP--the server-side,
well, utilize databases
don't need prior knowledge
function usage and pitfalls;
optimally, and connect to a
of programming. You learn by
Easy to find, detailed
HTML-embedded scripting
back-end network using a
example from the many
information on the most
language. Learn to develop a
multi-tiered approach. This
practical examples
important PHP functions;
variety of useful solutions,
book also aims at teaching
throughout the book. The
Practical examples of each
from network management and
PHP by coding FTP clients,
accompanying CD-Rom includes
function's use; Overview's
Web development, to database
e-mail clients, some
apache, Netscape, PHP, and
that discuss how and why to
and system administration.
advanced data structures,
MySQL source code, plus all
use a particular group of
Each chapter of Instant PHP
session management, and
the scripts from the book.
functions; Practical,
4 features projects and
secure programming. Topics
Topics covered: How to
complete documentation on
examples crafted to
covered: The whys and
install and configure the
powerful but obscure
illustrate a broad span of
wherefores of PHP4; PHP
Linux server; PHP--handling
functions such as pack and
topics and design
installation on *nix,
form processing, saving
unpack. The web site for PHP
Windows, and MacOS X;
state, loops and arrays,
Functions Essential
in-depth instruction on all
Sessions and cookies, coding
strings and pattern
Reference contains materials
phases of development
FTP clients, network-related
matching, web server
to support and expand on the
necessary to complete the
function calls, and
variables plus many other
book. Over 700 additional
projects. Increase your
directory services; PHP
features; MySQL--connecting
function writeups are
knowledge of PHP with the
support for LDAP;
MySQL with PHP, Guest book
available, along with
comprehensive explanations
Multi-tiered development
application, Gotcha
updates, errata, and a few
and precooked applications
using PHP; PHP's interaction
application, and Internal
and solutions in this robust
with XML; PHP with MySQL;
shopping cart application;
technical resource. The
PHP with PostgreSQL and
How to secure Apache using
CD-ROM includes ready-to-use
ODBC; Securing, optimizing,
Web development solutions,
and internationalizing PHP
authentication, using PHP to
and all source code used
applications; PHP extension
control Access, using a
throughout the book.
libraries; A real world
database to store users and
employee directory, an
passwords, using htaccess
online library application,
and a GTK interface to the
application; Case studies on
a user privilege system and
a multi-tiered WML-based
shopping cart.

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006
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