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PHP Programming for Windows

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Professional PHP4 XML

Hits: 396
XML and PHP is a clear,
PHP Programming for Windows
This book is a tutorial, a
Mastering Mambo is a
concise guide to the
covers new ground including
resource and a reference for
professional-level guide to
synergies between XML and
the use of PHP with Windows
PHP programmers who need to
Mambo's most powerful and
PHP, many of which are not
databases such as Access and
process XML data or
useful features. You will
immediately visible to
SQL Server plus other topics
interface different systems
develop powerful interactive
intermediate developers. XML
such as the Microsoft SOAP
using XML. Non PHP
sites that fit perfectly
and PHP demonstrates how PHP
SDK and using PHP with the
programmers who need to
with your unique
and XML can be combined to
Active Directory. This book
construct a web based
requirements. * Create
build cutting-edge Web
covers PHP from installation
frontend for an application
attractive custom layouts
applications. It includes
all the way up to developing
using XML can learn how to
for Mambo * Build
detailed explanations of
PHP applications with the
do it using PHP, since the
PHP's XML extensions,
Active Directory and .NET
book also covers the basic
internationalised sites *
together with illustrations
and teaches developers how
foundations of PHP
Open an online store for
of using PHP to parse,
to optimize PHP for the
programming. Advanced PHP
your Mambo site, complete
validate and transform XML
Windows platform and how to
programmers experienced in
with support for gift
markup, traverse XML data
work with PHP and Windows
XML will obtain a reference
coupons, automatic
trees, exchange data between
Enterprise technologies.
as well as a very deep
invoicing, and more * Turn
Web applications, overlay
coverage on advanced topics.
your site into a community
remote procedure calls over
with discussion forums *
HTTP, and use free
Discover more of the
open-source tools to add new
available Mambo extensions
capabilities to your PHP/XML
and how to use them *
Optimize your site for
performance, search engines,
security, and
accessibility * Develop
your own components, modules
and Mambots * Master
DOCMAN, the document manager
for Mambo, to turn your
Mambo site into a dynamic
repository of shared
documents and files
Mastering Mambo is the
book for anybody who has
developed a Mambo web site,
and wants to expand what
their site can do and make
the most of this powerful
content management system.

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Nov, 26 2005
Brand New The brand new
This book is a fast paced
The fusion of Eclipse, the
PHP 5 for Beginners is an
osCPro Users manual is out!!
tutorial to creating a
leading open source
electronic book perfect for
This manual can be used
website using Mambo. If
development environment, and
those with no or little PHP
for both the standard
you’ve never used Mambo, or
PHP is an exciting prospect
experience and want to learn
versions of Oscommerce and
even any web content
for web developers. This
PHP programming from the
the osCPro free and exv
management system before,
book makes sure that you are
beginning. This book will
series! Tired of asking
then this book will walk you
up and running as quickly as
gently introduce you to PHP
questions and not getting
through each step in a
possible, ready to take full
5 step by step, touching on
answers? You can spend
friendly and accessible way.
advantage of PHPEclipse's
basic PHP operations and
days and days searching to
From installation, to
tuned PHP development tools,
common language meanings.
find this information on the
initial set up and content
without requiring any prior
Packed with practical
web Every configuration,
entry and then on to
knowledge of Eclipse.
exercises for easy learning
every function, advanced
customization for your own
You will begin with
along the way! PHP 5 for
editing, coding secrets,
look and feel, this book
installing and configuring
Beginners is aimed at both
template tricks, image
will get you to a stable and
PHPEclipse, before moving
the interested, intelligent,
configuration, invoicing,
working Mambo based web site
onto a tour of the Eclipse
but not necessarily
advanced administration,
fast. You don’t have to be
environment, familiarizing
technical individual as well
downloads, even processing
an experienced web developer
you with its main
as at programmers familiar
orders..... It is all here
or designer to get a great
components. As a plug-in to
with another language who
and explained in detail in
looking site with a full set
Eclipse, PHPEclipse is able
want to learn PHP. This
an easy to follow, outlined
of functions using this book
to harness the platform to
books advanced search engine
and indexed pdf. You
and Mambo. This book will
provide a rich and powerful
makes finding any topic fast
simply cannot find this
guide you through every
development experience.
and easy!
information any where else
step. This book is
then osCPro, get the jump on
suitable for web developers,
your competition now before
designers, webmasters,
they corner your market.
content editors and
marketing professionals who
want develop a fully
featured web presence in a
simple and straightforward
process. It does not require
any detailed knowledge of
programming or web
development, and any IT
confident individual will be
able to use the book to
produce an impressive web

Date: Nov, 12 2005

Date: Nov, 12 2005

Date: Nov, 11 2005

Date: Sep, 09 2005
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