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MySQL & PHP From Scratch

Hits: 1261
This book: --Is a step by
Core PHP Programming, Second
This is a compact,
This book puts together
step introduction to
Edition is the #1 practical
example-rich guide designed
information on installing,
osCommerce --Helps install
guide to PHP 4 for Web
to teach Web developers
setting up, and
and configure osCommerce
developers. Atkinson covers
exactly what they need to
troubleshooting each of the
--Helps in building your
PHP syntax, the key building
know to achieve great
technologies (Apache, MySQL,
first ecommerce website
blocks of PHP scripts, and
results with PHP4. Endorsed
PHP3, and IMP) into one
--Is a special Beginnner's
every PHP function,
by The World Organization of
complete volume. You also
edition of the complete
including I/O, data, and
Webmasters, Essential PHP
learn how each piece is part
Professional Title
math functions, time, date,
for Web Professionals offers
of a whole by learning,
configuration, database,
no-nonsense, practical
step-by-step, how to create
graphics, and network
coverage built around
a web-based e-mail system.
functions. He presents PHP
real-world available from a
Learn to run the Linux
at work in sample code that
companion Web site. From PHP
equivalent of Active Server
demonstrates sorting,
installation through
Pages (ASP) using PHP3, set
searching, parsing, string
sophisticated site
up an e-commerce site using
evaluation, and more. You'll
automation, this book
a database and the Apache
even find detailed,
delivers practical answers,
web server, and create a
real-world insights into PHP
usable code, and real
data entry system (such as
4 program design and
solutions fast.
sales, product quality
debugging. Core PHP
tracking, customer
Programming delivers:
preferences, etc) that
Thorough, easy-to-understand
requires no installation in
coverage of PHP syntax and
the PC. This book integrates
functions, Step-by-step
the technologies of MySQL,
guidance for PHP database
Apache, PHP3, and IMP into
integration, Design and
one cohesive source for
optimization techniques for
developing and implementing
maximum performance and
Internet databases and email
extensibility, Practical
servers. Learn how to create
debugging solutions CD-ROM
secure Web-based email
includes PHP 4 source code
services with inexpensive
and Windows binaries plus
open source tools (similar
all the code examples from
to Hotmail or Netscape
the book.
Webmail) "from
scratch" while you are
taught the technologies.
This book shows how MySQL,
PHP, Apache, and IMP work

Date: Apr, 15 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006
PHP4/MySQL Database
So you want to create dynamic
PHP and MySQL Web Development
Written for beginners in PHP,
Applications demonstrates
database-driven Web pages?
teaches the reader to
this visual, task-based
web-application development
This authoritative reference
develop dynamic, secure
guide gets users up and
by presenting seven real,
is packed with case studies
e-commerce Web sites and Web
running with the basics of
ready-to-use examples
to lead you successfully
applications. The book shows
PHP, starting with basic
starting with a simple guess
through the latest version
how to integrate and
syntax, testing scripts,
book and ending with a
of this server-side
implement these technologies
working with variables,
fully-functional e-commerce
HTML-embedded language.
by following real-world
creating Web applications,
site with a shopping cart.
Whether you're an HTML
examples and working sample
and more. Throughout the
Inexperienced users will
designer, a C coder, or a
projects. It also covers the
book, sample scripts and
learn the essentials of
Web programmer using ASP,
related technologies needed
projects show the reader
working with PHP4 and MySQL
JSP, Perl, or ColdFusion,
to build a commercial Web
just what they need to know,
so they can start building
you'll get the most out of
site such as SSL, shopping
and a companion Web site
and customizing database
this open source alternative
carts, and payment systems.
offers every script
applications for the web
using this reliable guide.
The CD includes a Linux
available for downloading.
right away.
Inside you'll find how-to's
distribution, MySQL, PHP4
on everything from getting
and utilities for the
started to modifying
projects and code listings.
freely-available scripts --
Topics covered: The MySQL
so you won't have to write
database server (for both
from scratch. Topics
Unix and Windows), Accessing
covered: Get up to speed on
MySQL databases through PHP
relational database design,
scripting (the letters don't
Connect Web pages to backend
really stand for anything),
databases, Build complete
Database creation and
user experiences with
modification, PHP tricks in
session-tracking, Use PHP
order of increasing
for object-oriented
complexity--everything from
programming, Connect your
basic SQL queries to secure
PHP code directly to e-mail
transactions for commerce,
programs, Secure your Web
Authentication, Network
site against attacks, Employ
connectivity, Session
cookies and redirection, and
management, and Content
Avoid common bugs and
development stumbling blocks.

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006
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