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Building Websites With Joomla.

Hits: 475

Implementing SugarCRM

Hits: 1200
A complete guide to every
Assuming a basic knowledge of
The book begins by
'A step-by-step guide to
aspect of creating a variety
PHP, XML, JavaScript and
introducing Joomla! and
using this powerful Open
of different websites using
MySQL, this book will help
concepts behind content
Source application in your
Drupal. A trove of
you understand how the heart
management. Then the
business.' -Assess your
well-considered and
of AJAX beats and how the
installation of Joomla!, and
business's CRM requirements,
practical information is
constituent technologies
its supporting software
and start using SugarCRM
presented in a logical and
work together. After
[Apache/MySQL/PHP] is
effectively straight away
intuitive manner so that you
teaching the foundations,
covered clearly and simply.
-Covers both the free and
can either build up your
the book will walk you
Once you have the
commercial versions of
site step by step by reading
through numerous real-world
installation up and running,
SugarCRM – get maximum
from cover to cover or,
case studies covering tasks
we then take a tour of
benefit from the free
alternatively, focus on your
you’ll be likely to need for
Joomla! as it appears out of
version before paying for
specific needs by diving
your own applications:
the box, to familiarize
add ons -Your complete
into each chapter as
ourselves with how it works
guide to SugarCRM
required. This book will
form-validation page Online
and what is what. As you
implementation – assess your
suit anyone who has a need
chat collaboration tool
take the tour, your own
needs, install the software,
to create a content rich
Customized type-ahead text
ideas for what you need in
start using it, train users,
website. Whether you are:
entry solution Real-time
your new website begin to
integrate with existing
-Adding a personal web
charting using SVG
crystallize around what you
page -Building a forum
Database-enabled, editable
can see Joomla! is capable
-Writing a collaborative
and customizable data grid
of. We then build our web
book -Retailing goods
RSS aggregator application
application, using only the
-Creating a blog -Launching
A server-managed sortable
features of Joomla! we
a community Website This
list with drag&drop
really need. Once we have a
book will prove to be an
support using the
base version of our site up,
indispensable companion.
script.aculo.us JavaScript
we then learn how to change
Both experts and beginners
toolkit. This book is
its appearance and feature
to computing alike will find
for web developers willing
set to suit our particular
the information contained
to build better web
requirements, including
herein to be accessible and
applications. A basic
bringing it into line with
easy to intuit.
knowledge of PHP, XML,
an established corporate
JavaScript and MySQL, or a
identity. At the end of the
strong will to
book we show how you can add
learn-as-you-type, is
your own extensions to

Date: Aug, 03 2006

Date: Jul, 10 2006

Date: Jul, 10 2006

Date: Jun, 21 2006
This book gives you the power
This book is your guide to
This book is the guide for
The title helps the readers
to use phpBB to set up and
configuring, managing and
all users of powerful
understand how they can earn
run your own online
maintaining a copy of
application, Typo 3. Written
their share of money from
discussion forums with ease,
Invision Power Board 2 on
by experts and members of
the growing field of
and develop your own
your own website to power an
the core development team of
e-commerce, by offering an
Internet community. It takes
online discussion forum.
TYPO3, this book is all you
indepth information on how
you through the whole
Written for people who want
need to build, customize,
to use, build and maintain a
process of setting up your
to get their forums up and
and deploy TYPO3 websites.
good e-commerce web site.The
phpBB site, and helps you
running as quickly as
What you will learn from
book contains a detailed
create, customize and manage
possible, this book will
this book? -Install,
information on:
your own online community
show you how to execute the
configure, customize,
-Customizing the
with phpBB. Written by
full power of Invision Power
administrate, and extend
osCommerce code to make the
experienced phpBB
Board. What you will
TYPO3 -Create, edit, and
site more robust, eliminate
administrators and
learn from this book?
manage content -Set up
bugs, and increase
enthusiasts, the emphasis is
-How to Install and
users, permissions, and
on simple, and practical
configure IPB -Learn the
workflows to ensure that all
guidance for you to get the
basics of working with IPB
of your users can contribute
most from phpBB.
forums -Find your way round
to the site quickly and
the Administration Control
easily -Create and manage
Panel -Create and manage
statistics and logs so that
forums and
you can see how visitors are
permissions -Maintain users
using your site, and improve
and user groups -Get to
it accordingly -Use
grips with IPB skins to
standard and create new
customize your
templates, giving you the
site -Discover
power to create a site that
under-explored features such
looks the way you want it to
as the IPB post office,
-Give your site unique
subscriptions, and
abilities by writing TYPO3
filters -Learn from other
administrators the secrets
of making a successful forum

Date: Jun, 11 2006

Date: Jun, 11 2006

Date: Jun, 11 2006

Date: Apr, 15 2006
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