This fast paced and practical
This book puts together
'A step-by-step guide to
XML and PHP is a clear,
tutorial is packed with
information on installing,
using this powerful Open
concise guide to the
examples of photo
setting up, and
Source application in your
synergies between XML and
manipulations, logo
troubleshooting each of the
-Assess your
PHP, many of which are not
creation, animations, and
technologies (Apache, MySQL,
business's CRM requirements,
immediately visible to
complete web projects. With
PHP3, and IMP) into one
and start using SugarCRM
intermediate developers. XML
this book up your sleeve,
complete volume. You also
effectively straight away
and PHP demonstrates how PHP
you'll be creating
learn how each piece is part
-Covers both the free and
and XML can be combined to
spellbinding images from
of a whole by learning,
commercial versions of
build cutting-edge Web
code in no time.
step-by-step, how to create
SugarCRM – get maximum
applications. It includes
this book, you
a web-based e-mail system.
benefit from the free
detailed explanations of
-Install the
Learn to run the Linux
version before paying for
PHP's XML extensions,
ImageMagick software on your
equivalent of Active Server
add ons -Your complete
together with illustrations
own computer or a
Pages (ASP) using PHP3, set
guide to SugarCRM
of using PHP to parse,
-Create exciting
up an e-commerce site using
implementation – assess your
validate and transform XML
text effects and produce eye
a database and the Apache
needs, install the software,
markup, traverse XML data
catching logos and headings
web server, and create a
start using it, train users,
trees, exchange data between
-Create impressive image
data entry system (such as
integrate with existing
Web applications, overlay
manipulations and animations
sales, product quality
remote procedure calls over
on-the-fly from the command
tracking, customer
HTTP, and use free
line or within your programs
preferences, etc) that
open-source tools to add new
-Complete PHP-based sample
requires no installation in
capabilities to your PHP/XML
applications show how to use
the PC. This book integrates
ImageMagick to add pizzazz
the technologies of MySQL,
your web site
-Slice, dice,
Apache, PHP3, and IMP into
and filter your images turn
one cohesive source for
simple photos into
developing and implementing
mind-bending designs and
Internet databases and email
illusions -Write web
servers. Learn how to create
applications such as an
secure Web-based email
advanced e-card generator,
services with inexpensive
and even create your own
open source tools (similar
Packt book cover! -Generate
to Hotmail or Netscape
ImageMagick scripts in MSL
Webmail) "from
using the conjure utility
scratch" while you are
-Create thumbnails by
taught the technologies.
converting file types,
This book shows how MySQL,
resizing, and cropping to
PHP, Apache, and IMP work
consistent size, aspect
Date: Aug, 25 2006 Date: Feb, 19 2006 Date: Jun, 21 2006 Date: Feb, 19 2006 |
So you want to create dynamic
PHP 5 for Beginners is an
PHP and MySQL Web Development
Assuming a basic knowledge of
database-driven Web pages?
electronic book perfect for
teaches the reader to
PHP, XML, JavaScript and
This authoritative reference
those with no or little PHP
develop dynamic, secure
MySQL, this book will help
is packed with case studies
experience and want to learn
e-commerce Web sites and Web
you understand how the heart
to lead you successfully
PHP programming from the
applications. The book shows
of AJAX beats and how the
through the latest version
beginning. This book will
how to integrate and
constituent technologies
of this server-side
gently introduce you to PHP
implement these technologies
work together. After
HTML-embedded language.
5 step by step, touching on
by following real-world
teaching the foundations,
Whether you're an HTML
basic PHP operations and
examples and working sample
the book will walk you
designer, a C coder, or a
common language meanings.
projects. It also covers the
through numerous real-world
Web programmer using ASP,
Packed with practical
related technologies needed
case studies covering tasks
JSP, Perl, or ColdFusion,
exercises for easy learning
to build a commercial Web
you’ll be likely to need for
you'll get the most out of
along the way!
PHP 5 for
site such as SSL, shopping
your own applications:
this open source alternative
Beginners is aimed at both
carts, and payment systems.
using this reliable guide.
the interested, intelligent,
The CD includes a Linux
form-validation page Online
Inside you'll find how-to's
but not necessarily
distribution, MySQL, PHP4
chat collaboration tool
on everything from getting
technical individual as well
and utilities for the
Customized type-ahead text
started to modifying
as at programmers familiar
projects and code listings.
entry solution Real-time
freely-available scripts --
with another language who
Topics covered: The MySQL
charting using SVG
so you won't have to write
want to learn PHP. This
database server (for both
Database-enabled, editable
from scratch. Topics
books advanced search engine
Unix and Windows), Accessing
and customizable data grid
covered: Get up to speed on
makes finding any topic fast
MySQL databases through PHP
RSS aggregator application
relational database design,
and easy!
scripting (the letters don't
A server-managed sortable
Connect Web pages to backend
really stand for anything),
list with drag&drop
databases, Build complete
Database creation and
support using the
user experiences with
modification, PHP tricks in JavaScript
session-tracking, Use PHP
order of increasing
This book is
for object-oriented
complexity--everything from
for web developers willing
programming, Connect your
basic SQL queries to secure
to build better web
PHP code directly to e-mail
transactions for commerce,
applications. A basic
programs, Secure your Web
Authentication, Network
knowledge of PHP, XML,
site against attacks, Employ
connectivity, Session
JavaScript and MySQL, or a
cookies and redirection, and
management, and Content
strong will to
Avoid common bugs and
learn-as-you-type, is
development stumbling blocks.
Date: Feb, 19 2006 Date: Sep, 09 2005 Date: Feb, 19 2006 Date: Jul, 10 2006 |