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Flash Album Creator

Hits: 3102

Metallic Menu

Hits: 1860
The Tribulant Flash File
Flash Album Creator is a
Eltima Flash Optimizer for
Flash menu bar. With search
Upload v1.0 Script allows
powerful slide show builder.
Mac is the only constantly
engines friendly navigation
users on your website, and
It enables you to transfer a
updated and improving SWF
settings in the form of
yourself to upload files
group of pictures into your
compression tool for Mac OS
ordinary HTML links.
directly to your server
own slide show in a breeze.
on the net, which provides
Extension for Dreamweaver.
using a Flash interface with
You can also add narration,
unique compression methods
Make your web site
a set of great features.
background music, text,
leading to profound
navigation in minutes. This
By using a PHP backend
transition animation effects
optimization of Flash files
extensions adds to insertbar
file to physically upload
and pan/zoom animation
with up to 70% size
of your Dreamweaver new
the file using PHP
effects as you wish. The
reduction. Advanced
component that creates
functions, you as the
output slide shows are in
optimization settings let
Metallic Menu on your page
administrator have control
the format of Adobe Flash.
you customize every
with few click. Change
over the folder to which the
You can distribute them onto
compression options, to use
default parameters and
files will be uploaded and
web sites, send them by
considerable compression of
publish. Ready-to-use
any other uploading values
e-mails, or burn them into
large Flash files and their
such as the filename,
CDs to share with others. If
parts and to preview SWF
filesize, filetype, etc…
you have no web development
compression and compare with
This Flash application has
experience, Flash Album
original file.
error handling to check if
Creator can help you breeze
the criteria of the file
through the creation of a
which the user is trying to
slide show in just several
upload is suitable. If not,
minutes. What you should do
the user will be presented
is simply to add pictures
with an error on the first
and select slide properties.
slide. Case the file is
If you are an experienced
fine, the Flash interface
web designer, Flash Album
will move to a second slide
Creator can also be a good
where an upload progress
choice to help you make
bar, uploading percentage
slide shows for clients to
and also the KB uploaded
save time and effort.
compared to the total KB of
the file is shown. Once
uploading has completed, the
file will be on your server
and the flash interface will
move back to the upload form

Date: Jan, 02 2007

Date: Jan, 02 2007

Date: Dec, 29 2006

Date: Dec, 26 2006
With the Flash Guestbook, you
* Can be 3D or 2D * Weights
A flash animation software
A flash Video software bundle
can easily allow users to
less than 20 Kb * Works
bundle for both novice,
that helps you meet all your
leave their comments on your
even with Adobe Flash Player
intermediate and
needs in making a
site using a unique Flash
6 and higher * Loads data
professional users. You can
professional flash movie.
interface without any page
from XML or CSV You can
leave all design issues to
You can find all you ever
refresh. Data is executed
configure: * size of a
us for we have stored 1000
hear about – shape design,
quickly and the viewing pane
flash movie * pie radius *
well-designed resources, 60
motion tween creation,
is updated during runtime
pie lean angle * inner
animation effects, 30
guided motion and adding
accordingly when a new
radius * positions of all
templates and flexible
stream sound. The Encoder
comment is submitted.
objects * labels can be
ActionScript. In the
supports video formats
All data is stored in a
both inside or outside a
meanwhile, it’ll meet all
including .avi, .asf (.wmv),
MySQL database as the Flash
pie * colors of all
your needs in making a
.mov (.qt), .mpeg. With
application communicates
objects * font *
professional flash movie.
Sothink FlashVideo Encoder,
with the PHP backend. The
background color Colors
You can find all you ever
converting video into swf or
viewing pane with all the
can be specified in XML, CSV
hear about – shape design,
flv file becomes no simpler!
entries is then udpated
or in a settings file. You
motion tween creation,
accordingly with the stored
can use custom palettes, or
guided motion and adding
data in the database.
choose base color of a pie
stream sound.
This is the first release
and indicate how to reduce
of this script; therefore it
or increase brightness of
is still very basic, though
every next slice. You can
useful and probably close to
use background image - JPG
error free. We’ll be
or SWF. You can specify what
developing this script
data you want to show in a
further to add additional
label and in a roll over
features, improve on the
indicator, and more...
current features and ensure
that it works the way it is
expected to at all times.

Date: Dec, 19 2006

Date: Dec, 19 2006

Date: Dec, 16 2006

Date: Dec, 16 2006
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