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Using Java to read bar codes

Hits: 495
The uCertify Exam Simulation
This article leads you into
This article takes a new look
Web services and J2EE
is a comprehensive tool for
the gray zone between
at UPC symbols and bar
connectors promise to
success in the SCJP
modeling and method, with a
codes, and describes how you
simplify the integration of
(310-035) certification
look at requirements
can use Java to read
heterogeneous enterprise
exam. It contains 4
gathering via use case
information from a UPC bar
information systems and
full-length realistic
modeling. In particular,
code. The authors explain
provide a way for business
practice tests comprising
this article focuses on the
how to expedite and organize
partners to share their
435 questions with detailed
relationship between user
your enterprise operations
respective applications'
analysis and explanations
interfaces, system
that revolve around an IBM
functionality over the
for each answer. The
interfaces, and use case
DB2 database. The sample
Internet. This article uses
Simulation is developed
application described in the
an insurance broker
after rigorous research and
article includes
scenario, in which the
innovation by a panel of
downloadable code.
programmatic functions from
highly experienced and
legacy transactions are
certified authors, to equip
incorporated into a Web
the aspirants with the
application, to illustrate
latest and most accurate
these capabilities.
study material for the SCJP
certifications. It also
offers Adaptive and
customized testing,
Diagnostic test and detailed
performance reviews. Value
added features such as Test
preparation tips and test
information, Technical
articles and Fully
illustrated How Tos…
eliminate the need for any
other preparation aid.

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: Jun, 26 2001

Date: Jul, 23 2002

Date: Aug, 29 2001
Web Services for DB2 Cube
Views provide access to
multidimensional data stored
in DB2. These Web services
allow a client application
to read data from the cubes
and perform basic online
analysis on multidimensional
data and metadata through
the Web, using XPath and XML.

Date: Jul, 08 2003
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